UBL Transportation SC

[ubl-tsc] Minutes of Transport Subcommittee Teleconference Call 8/9 Feb 2006

  • 1.  [ubl-tsc] Minutes of Transport Subcommittee Teleconference Call 8/9 Feb 2006

    Posted 02-10-2006 16:55
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    Subject: [ubl-tsc] Minutes of Transport Subcommittee Teleconference Call 8/9 Feb 2006



    1000 – 1120 (SGT) Thursday Feb 8/9, 2006





    (UBL TSC Chair)

    Tim McGrath (UBL Vice Chair)

    Eric Tesoro (CrimsonLogic)


    Dave Fitzpatrick (BAH)

    Andy Schoka (Information Systems Engineer)


    The telecom proceeded along the lines of reviewing the Action Item list from last telecom.

    1. Posting Issues/Managing issues

    As an action from last telecom, Tim reported that he had emailed the group information regarding access to the UBL 2.0 Issues List and how to post issues. He has since posted issues uncovered in past reviews and discussed at previous meetings and encouraged members of the TSC to use that Issues list as the single point of collection for any further issues uncovered. During the discussion Tim identified 4 categories of issues: 1. Bugs; 2. Missing field elements; 3. New requirements; and 4. General. It was further recognized that there is need for an additional category which reviewers of the 2.0 package could use to express the need for a clarification. This would get issues and clarification requests in one place. Tim will talk to Betty Harvey about this and about modifying the present issues form to capture the necessary data.

    Kama remarked that the TSC will continue to hold weekly telecons through the period of the review and will include an item on the weekly agenda to consider any new entries on the issues list that are appropriate for the TSC to address.

    As one aspect of getting clarifications, Andy reported that a team from DOT is reviewing 2.0 package and is seeking the best way to obtain clarifications. For example, the review term thought the terms shipment and consignment could benefit from a clearer distinction in their respective definitions.  The value of a glossary of terms was discussed. The key terms, such as shipment and consignment,  to be put in the glossary would have to be identified by members of the TSC and PSC as they are the ones who have the domain expertise to make the judgments.  The definitions of the key terms would then have be extracted from the existing spreadsheets in order to maintain consistency.

    2. Work on Support Materials

    As a followup to an action from last telecom, Andy reviewed a draft paper, which he had distributed earlier, which presents a first cut of a Use Case graphic and its accompanying text material for “Initiate Transport Services.” Based on material taken from the 2.0 package as well as earlier work of the TSC, Andy summarized the substance of the “Initiate Transport Services” process which puts the transport messages in generalized business context. The group agreed that is was a good start and that the next steps were to have Transport knowledgeable members of the TSC review it for accuracy and further embellishment. Tom offered to review along with a review by someone from DTTN. It was recognized that once the Use Case descriptions were more comprehensive with the transport messages tied together, then it would be appropriate to develop sample document instances that reflect the sequence of messages and the continuity of information exchange. Karma took the action to get the  material forwarded to DTTN. Tim remarked that the treatment of process information as Use Case graphics coupled with a structure Use Case text description could be applicable to the PSC context as well. This would be considered once the package has matured.

    On a related topic, Tim remarked that preliminary comments have come in from TBG3 which also suggested the need for more “context” surrounding the

    Transport messages. Tim agreed to circulate those comments to the TSC for consideration and discussion at a future meeting.

    3. AOB

    a. reported that there has been some organizational changes at CECID and that their participant (CY) in the TSC has been moved to another group. will send an email to CECID (Thomas) to inquire about who may be participating in lieu of CY’s reassignment.

    b. Kama confirmed that the UBL Face to Face TC meeting will be held in during the week of November 6th.


     Action Items:

    1. Tim to contact Betty to discuss modifications to Issues list to allow request for clarifications.
    2. to email Thomas requesting CECID nominate a new representative to the TSC.
    3. Tim to post preliminary comments received from TBG3.
    4. to circulate Use Case Description draft material for DDTN and Crimson Logic review and comment with the intent to amplify the transport specific descriptions.



    Andy Schoka

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