OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-15-2009 21:48
    This is a draft of some language I'll be proposing to define additional 
    conformance targets for the main document types: text, spreadsheet, 
    presentation, chart, drawing and image.  The goal to to set some minimum 
    requirements in terms of mimetypes and file names, as well as set a 
    reasonable upper bounds for expected contents.  For example, it doesn't 
    make sense for an ODF spreadsheet to contain animated page transitions. So 
    let's say so.
    Of course, any vendor is free to add "animated page transitions" to their 
    spreadsheet if they wish.  In fact, they could still claim it as a 
    conforming ODF Document.  However, it would not be a conforming 
    OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document.  So this proposal is 100% backwards 
    compatible with what we had in ODF 1.0 and ODF 1.1. 
    These specialized document targets specify constraints on static factors 
    like namespaces, mime types and syntax.  It will be straightforward to add 
    Producer and Consumer targets corresponding to each of these to 
    constraints on runtime behavior.   The Producer/Consumer targets will 
    likely invoke the requirement to process and be consistent with the 
    semantics defined for the elements and attributes which are allowed in 
    that document type.  I'll work on writing up these Producer/Consumer 
    targets next.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conforming OpenDocument Text Document
    (D3) A conforming OpenDocument Text Document shall meet all requirements 
    of a Conforming OpenDocument Document, as well as the following additional 
    (D3.1) The 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 01:47
    On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 17:49 -0400, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > (D4.3) If the document  is an OpenDocument package and it is stored as
    > a 
    > file, then the name of the file shall have the extension ".ods".
    What is the point of this exercise? The document is what happens to be
    stored in the file. Saying that a user can turn a user can turn a
    Conforming OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document into a non-conforming one
    by simply changing the name of the file is just ridiculous! The mimetype
    can be deduced from the content of the file so why does one have to
    specify that the name of the file (or even part of the name).
    Andreas J. Guelzow
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 3.  Re: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 02:38
    Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 4.  Re: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 03:32
    On Sun, 2009-03-15 at 22:39 -0400, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > To accomplish there we need to either ensure that producers write the data 
    > consistently, or that consumers use a more complicated heuristic to 
    > determine document type.  I'm inclined to believe that this will work best 
    > if we require both.
    I find it greatly disturbing that the standard would try to force an
    application to show certain latin letters in a file name just to have
    that file to be considered a conformant document. 
    Perhaps if you weren't used to writing in the latin alphabet it would be
    more obvious that having such cryptic (and in the user's language likely
    meaningless) letter combinations attached to a file name.
    Andreas J. Guelzow
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 5.  Re: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 04:47
    Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 6.  Re: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 05:28
    On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 00:10 -0400, robert_weir@us.ibm.com wrote:
    > Andreas J Guelzow 

  • 7.  RE: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 05:54
    I share Andreas's concern, although I certainly support the idea of having
    specific document-type determination, and if it takes a conformance target
    to do that (because of upward compatibility issues, etc.), I can live with
    that too.
    I do think we need to be careful about file extensions.
    1. For ODF 1.2, I think we should consider requiring strict associations of
    MIME types (and the mimetype Zip item value and the office:mimetype
    attribute value) with document types in the sense that the content of the

  • 8.  RE: [office] Conforming OpenDocument Text Document, etc.

    Posted 03-16-2009 13:54
       1. I notice that the template cases are not included.  Do you want to
    handle those?  Would they be instances of the same Templates are a valuable
    tool in support of interoperability arrangements.  I wonder if they can
    simply be included under the corresponding conforming document type?
       2. You appear to have set a new ceiling, but there is no new floor within
    those constraints, other than the existing constraints on conformant
    documents.  That makes sense, although I think we need to deal with other
    prospective exclusions (binary objects, applets?)  When characterizing
    consumer, producer, and processor targets, shall we have preservation
    requirements on elements that a producer does not support/interpret or must
    a processor be capable of processing and producing all of its target class,
    rather than simply producing documents confined to the target?
       3. I don't think a requirement to support all of OpenFormula will fly.
    What will be done about the different conformance levels for OpenFormula?
       4. Do we need some way for a producer to assert the conformance target in
    the document so that a target-constraining consumer can confirm/reject the
    document accordingly?
       5. I continue to think we should consider that the document type
    determination be a normative part of the specification, with the target
    having the additional requirements for what shall and shall not be
    supported.  (I think of type determination as more like schema than
    interpretation, its just that we have attribute and package item values that
    determine the applicable schema.)
       6. I also think this is a big deal.  It looks like the details should be
    hammered out in wiki drafts until we feel we have surrounded the situation
    and understand the implications on normative language throughout the
    specification, what this may raise as an issue for implementers (and
    adopters), etc.  I fear the law of unintended consequences biting us here.
     - Dennis