Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that our next scheduled meeting according to what we decided at the close of our last meeting (as opposed to what we see in Kavi Calendar) is the 18th Nov and 2nd Dec. Maybe Jake or Elysa could correct the Kavi system calendar for the SC. In a similar spirit to David's I offer the IncidentKindDefaultValues from recently published Committee Specification of EDXL-SitRep v1.0: Geophysical, Meteorological, GeneralEmergency, Safety, Security, RescueAndRecovery, Rescue, FireSupressionAndRescue, Fire, MedicalAndPublicHealth, Health, PollutionAndEnvironmentalHazards, PublicAndPrivateTransportation, Transport, UtilityTelecommunicationOtherNonTransportInfrastructure, CBRNE, Please note that these are just the broad categories and don't go into specific events/hazards, such as Hurricanes. Tornadoes, Blizzard, etc under the Metereological category. My only point is that we have broad categories and specific event types within those categories and this is going to be a pretty large list once we start collecting lists from various national and international governmental agencies. So, I think our approach of looking toward the folks involved with library science is wise. Cheers, Rex On 11/2/2016 3:58 PM, David Askov wrote: Hi everyone, Here is a screenshot of the Hazard classification system that I mentioned. On the previous slide (not shown), there are other categories for non-Hazard data (e.g.: base map, political, infrastructure), and then Hazards are broken down into “Natural Hazards” and “Human or Environmental Hazards”. The Natural Hazards are broken down as follows. This was done by PDC and USGS in conjunction with PRiMO (Pacific Risk Management `Ohana) back in 2005. Obviously, one could tinker with this (e.g.: put tsunami under seismic), but I just present this as a way of starting the conversation about structuring our Hazard lists. Note that beyond just severe weather, you might want to add some winter weather hazard types that people in Hawaii didn’t think to include! As a reminder, the upcoming meeting is on a US holiday (Veteran’s Day is 11 Nov). The following meeting (25 Nov) is the day after the US Thanksgiving holiday, so many Americans (including me) also take Friday off of work. Thanks, David DAVID ASKOV PACIFIC DISASTER CENTER 808.891.7937
daskov@pdc.org From:
emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org [ mailto:
emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org ] On Behalf Of Jacob Westfall Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 10:24 To:
emergency-cap@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [emergency-cap] Groups - CAP SC Meeting Notes 10-14-16 uploaded Document Name : CAP SC Meeting Notes 10-14-16 Description Meeting notes from the October 14, 2016 meeting. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Jacob Westfall Group : EM CAP SC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2016-10-27 13:23:46 -- Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Email:
rexb@starbourne.com GeoAddress: 1361 Addison St. Apt. A Berkeley, CA 94702 Phone: 510-898-0670