OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

  • 1.  Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 06-15-2010 13:39
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    ical_27931.ics   658 B 1 version

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 06-15-2010 16:25
    Can you post the minutes for the meeting where we approved
    my "refactored" XML schema of the Core spec as an erratum?
    Then, can you contact OASIS TC-Admin?  We need to get this
    erratum formally processed and uploaded to the
    docs.oasis-open.org site, since it is referenced by the Part
    2 reference parameter schema. 
    We should point out that SOAP envelopes with eb3:Messaging
    structures are valid if and only wrt the new schema iff they
    are valid against the old schema, and that the new schema
    just intends to support more re-use of element definitions.
    A suggestion would be that the XSD file be put in
    http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-msg/ebms/v3.0/core/ with a
    different name (e.g. With '_refactored' appended). Any users
    of the current XML schema file can then continue to
    reference it (in XSD schemaLocation values) using the value
    der-3_0-200704.xsd, whereas new users can reference the
    refactored schema. 