Hello XLIFF TC members, The DITA Adoption TC wanted us to know about these three webinars. They look great to me. Please direct questions to JoAnn. I'll add this to our next agenda. Thanks, Bryan From: JoAnn Hackos [mailto:
joann.hackos@comtech-serv.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:44 PM To: Kristen James Eberlein; Schnabel, Bryan S Subject: Plans for OASIS DITA Adoption webinar series Hi Kris and Bryan, The OASIS DITA Adoption TC is planning a series of three webinars this fall on DITA adoption and Translation. I’ve attached an overview of the plans. At present, we have confirmation from three speakers and invitations out to all listed. Please put this subject onto your TC agendas in the next week or so. We want to inform people of what we’re planning and invite any comments about the outline. Please also let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, JoAnn JoAnn T. Hackos, PhD President Comtech Services Inc. 710 Kipling Street, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80215
joann.hackos@comtech-serv.com skype joannhackos Attachment: OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee.docx Description: OASIS DITA Adoption Technical Committee.docx