OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] question about QoS

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] question about QoS

    Posted 12-09-2001 14:47
    This won't work. If you don't use DuplicateElimination, and
    the CPA says to always eliminate duplicates, then the message
    will always be in error! 
    There can be a conflict with the CPA on the parameters that
    can be perMessage, and we agreed that an error is sent
    in case of conflict. That is the way it works at present.
    The value of this error is that it would catch accidental
    misconfiguration of the MSH (such as, 
    operator error in changing the
    wrong property sheet value and so on.) 
    You may say that it is "redundant" to have something in the
    message when there is a CPA that governs it. If that really
    bothered you, then I think you would consider getting rid
    of the parameter in the message all together. But, I think the
    consensus was that some parameters were to be governed
    by the message. While I think there are good reasons
    to question making some of these parameters flexible,
    in the interest of getting the 1.1 version stable,
    let us just accept what has been decided.
    Then, to avoid all the talk about "override,"
    (and the subsequent jettison of the point of having an
    agreement governing a business process collaboration)
    we decided to split the difference and have a way to
    have the CPA reflect either fixed or flexible values.
    Why do we have to revisit this decision endlessly? 
    Dale Moberg