OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] The Modularization of CAP?

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] The Modularization of CAP?

    Posted 06-16-2004 14:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] The Modularization of CAP?

    Beautiful - thanx.
    On Jun 15, 2004, at 11:59 AM, Art Botterell wrote:
    > At 9:03 AM -0400 6/15/04, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    >> Can you elaborate just a touch more on this though? I have a mental  
    >> picture/definition of what a coordination language and/or profile is,  
    >> but I want to make sure we are using those terms in the same way.
    > I'd say I was using "language" to mean "a collection of semantic and  
    > syntactic rules for communication in some topical domain," (the domain  
    > in this case being "emergency coordination")... and "profile" to mean  
    > "a specified subset of a language used for a particular purpose,"  
    > (e.g., alerting.)
    > Looking at this in terms of ICS, CAP was primarily designed to support  
    > one aspect of the Public Information function; even in that narrow  
    > domain there are other functions such as processing inquiries from the  
    > media/public that CAP doesn't address.
    > If we look at the Operations branch we find other communication acts  
    > like giving orders, acknowledging orders, reporting status and  
    > "throwing exceptions" (reporting exceptional conditions that are  
    > preventing or impeding the execution of orders.  In Logistics we have  
    > activities like assigning resources, reporting resource status,  
    > forecasting resource status and availability, enforcing  
    > maintenance/crew-rest rules and so on.  In Plans we have the  
    > description of the current situation, the forecast of future situation  
    > (sometimes in multiple scenarios), the forecast of resource  
    > requirements and the recommendation of strategies (and I'm  
    > oversimplifying here.)  And in Finance we have personnel timekeeping,  
    > expense tracking and so on.
    > So the language would (ultimately) have semantics and syntax  
    > addressing these and other communication acts within emergency  
    > management.  CAP would be one specified subset of the language for the  
    > particular functions of alerting.
    > - Art
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