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Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] [Mary McRae] RE: Status of Naming and Design Rules
/ Jirka Kosek <> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
|> Per my action to get a copy of the OASIS Naming and Design Rules
|> document for our review, I've been told that it's undergoing a
|> major rewrite and will be available for member comment as soon
|> as the editor is finished.
| Then the question is whether we want to wait for this rewrite. I would
| like to get concensus about DocBook namespace name as soon as
| possible. I think that this is important for providers of DocBook
| tools. They will not like changes of namespace URI in the middle of
| their tools development.
Indeed, we need to pick one. I think we should use
It's nice and short, it's logical, and there's historical precedent
for that design choice.
Be seeing you,
Norman Walsh <> | Man is in love and loves what | vanishes, / What more is there to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | say?--W. B. Yeats
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