The document named Multihop has been submitted by Mr. Pim van
der Eijk to the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC document repository.
Document Description:
Set of documents/files related to the multihop draft.
Four scenarios involving various combinations of multihop functionality
(Push, Pull, Receipt signals, WS-ReliableMessaging, Push-Pull combinations,
PullRequest forwarding). For each are provided the SOAP XML documents,
Pmode parameter sets and "routing function".
"Sample Message Exchange.doc" pastes some of these into the OASIS
spec template (for consideration as an annex to the multihop draft).
All of this is based on my reading/interpretation of various specs, so this
should be reviewed carefully.
"Running notes.doc" document provides a bunch of comments,
issues, potential enhancements/errata to the multihop draft and/or the ebms
3 core spec I came across while working on this.
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-OASIS Open Administration