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Subject: Re: [emergency] Poster for NAWS Participation
Dave -
Maybe you missed the point of my question. I didn't express an
opinion on whether "the National needs for this capability as
extremely high"... that would depend on what sort of capability we're
talking about, which was the thrust of my question. A great deal of
the work that's been done under the rubric of EDXL-DE appears to have
gone one in the relatively restricted field of CBRNE sensor and
assessment systems, and (appropriately, no doubt) not much detail has
been exposed to outside review, so I'm certainly not qualified to
comment on that.
My question... and it was just a question, neither an endorsement nor
a critique... was whether your poster intended to propose a solution
for public alerting and information applications, as distinct from
operational alert and warning within and among responsible agencies.
I didn't think it did, but obviously the unqualified term "alert and
warning" could mean different things to different people.
- Art
On Mar 22, 2006, at 3/22/06 12:34 PM, Ellis, David wrote:
> Art
> Just like the Internet carries multiple networks with various
> degrees of separation, the EDXL-DE routing capabilities may/could
> be used for all types of EDLX-DE information exchanges. You are
> right in observing the National needs for this capability as
> extremely high. Also, there is no funding for a general open
> routing framework. Local direct distribution Point to Point EDXL-
> DE information exchanges can still be accomplished by numerous
> methods.
> David E. Ellis
> Information Management Architect
> (505) 844-6697