OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

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ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 -- Public review comments

Rob Weir

Rob Weir09-04-2008 18:21

  • 1.  ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 -- Public review comments

    Posted 08-25-2008 17:23
    The public review period of the ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 document 
    concluded on Friday, August 22nd..  We are required under OASIS TC Process 
    3.2 to take certain actions with respect to these comments, namely:
    "The TC must acknowledge the receipt of each comment, track the comments 
    received, and publish to its primary e-mail list the disposition of each 
    comment at the end of the review period."
    The following comments were received during the ODF 1.0 Approved Errata 01 
    document public review period:
    Dennis E. Hamilton:  
    Sheldon Britton:  
    Dave Pawson: 
    Murata Mokoto: 
    Murata Mokoto: 
    Dennis E. Hamilton: 
    This note constitutes acknowledgement of the receipt of these comments.
    The ODF TC, in its 25 August meeting, agreed that it will produce an 
    revised draft of this Errata document, addressing some of the comments 
    received.  This draft will be sent for an additional 15 days public review 
    of changes.  We will also produce a report indicating the disposition of 
    all of the above comments.

  • 2.  #1 Proposed Resolution of Errata Comment

    Posted 09-03-2008 19:46
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00012.html
    In my first-identified comment on the ODF 1.0 Errata public review, there
    are two points.  I propose that these are easily resolved:
    Point 1 - The errata document has office:version="1.2"
    Resolution: Make sure that the errata document has office:version="1.1" if
    there is a version attribute at all.
    Point 2 - Choice of the base document
    Resolution: Comment is resolved in the current text.  No action required.
    Background: I noticed that the errata were targeted to the original OASIS
    Standard for ODF 1.0 PDF and not IS 26300.  That was a mistake.  On looking
    more closely, it is clear that the Errata are provided for both of the
    current ODF 1.0 Standards, IS 26300 (via the ed2cs1 text) as a courtesy, and
    the OASIS Standard of May 2005, where the errata are to be "official."
     - Dennis 

  • 3.  #6.1 Errata comment - unimplementable change

    Posted 09-03-2008 20:21
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    I have questioned 14 items (including one split into two) in the Approved
    Errata 01.  This note clarifies on where I don't believe the instructions
    are actionable.  Here is the recommendation and rationale:
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    15.4.7    556  8      565  12
    The instruction is "Delete normative reference to working draft of CSS3."
    This is not actionable and the necessary change is not obvious.  The problem
    is that the paragraph involved relies on a citation of a particular section
    for its own explanation.
    In addition the Section references are incorrect.  page 556 line 8 is in
    section 15.4.8.  However the problem applies to both 15.4.7 (at the bottom
    of page 555) and section 15.4.8 near the top of page 556 of ODF 1.0.
    Recommendation #1 (preferable): Provide specific substitute text in the
    portion of sections 15.4.7 and 15.4.8.
    Recommendation #2 (expedient): Remove the item from the Errata.
    Details: Here are the relevant texts to which the erratum (actually two
    errata) applies:
    15.4.7 Line Through Style (p. 555 line 40):
    40: Use the style:text-line-through-style property to specify if and how
    text is lined
    41: through. This property is similar to the [CSS3Text] text-line-style
    property, except that it
    42: has the additional value long-dash and that it does not have the value
    double. Instead of this,
    43: the attribute style:text:line-through-type can be used to turn each line
    style into a
    44: double line. See §9.2 of [CSS3Text] for details. See also section
    15.4.8 Line Through Width (p. 556 line 5):
     5: Use the style:text-line-through-width property to specifies the width of
    a line through
     6: line. This property is very similar to the [CSS3Text]
    text-line-through-width property,
     7: except that it has an additional value bold. bold specifies a line width
    that is calculated from
     8: the font sizes like an auto width, but is wider than an auto width. See
    §9.3 of [CSS3Text] for
     9: details. See also section 15.4.30.	
     - Dennis 

  • 4.  RE: [office] #6.1 Errata comment - unimplementable change

    Posted 09-03-2008 20:33
    Hi all,
      Just a reminder - it's not *Approved* errata until it has gone through
    public review and then voted on by the TC. The errata under discussion is a
    Committee Draft.

  • 5.  #6.2 Errata comments - "Our" to "or" Siamese Twins

    Posted 09-03-2008 20:48
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    This note clarifies on where a single erratum that refers to two different
    corrections needs to be split into two entries.  Here is the original:
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.7.2     344  27     349  6
    The instruction is "Replace 'our' with 'or'."
    Recommendation:  Split this into two erratum entries, each with the same
    9.7.2    344   27     349  3
    9.7.2    344   30     349  6
    Rationale: There are two places, three lines apart, where "our" should be
    replaced by "or."  In the original entry, the ODF 1.0 citation is to the
    first of them and the IS 26300 citation is to the second of them.  Sawing
    this baby into twins seems like the Solomonic thing to do.
     - Dennis

  • 6.  #6.3 Errata comment "an integer value, the value indexing a draw:modifiers"

    Posted 09-03-2008 22:10
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    There are three comments where my proposed corrections are mistaken.  These
    are the errata entries involved:
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.5.3     331  43     336  3
    9.5.3     332  19     336  23
    9.5.6     337  28     341  34
    The instruction for each of these is the same: 
    "Replace the [first] 'a' with an 'an' and remove the second 'a'."
    Although "first" should be added to the instruction for 9.5.6, these
    instructions are correct.  (I overlooked the first "a" and was changing the
    second to "an" and then trying have that make sense.)
    Meanwhile.  There are other places in the vicinity of these where the same
    change is called for (e.g., ODF 1.0 section 9.5.3 p.329 line 25).  Also,
    there are other passages in the vicinity of the corrected ones that could
    use further repair.  I will capture those for the next errata.
     - Dennis

  • 7.  RE: [office] #6.3 Errata comment "an integer value, the value indexing a draw:modifiers"

    Posted 09-14-2008 20:05
    My suggested corrections to the errata on 9.5.3 (two places) and 9.5.6 were
    incorrect.  However, there is a correction needed to the instruction for
    9.5.6.  This proposal boils down to the following:
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.5.6     337  28     341  34   
    The instruction is
    	Replace the "a" with an "an" and remove the second "a". 
    Correction: In the erratum instruction, add the word "first" between "the"
    and "'a'".
     - Dennis
    PS: I have captured the other places that need attention in this portion of
    the spec, either for 1.2 or a later errata document for 1.0.

  • 8.  #6.4 Errata comment - property vs. attribute

    Posted 09-04-2008 01:12
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    This comment resulted from some awkwardness around use of attribute versus
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    15.30.9   661  46     674  12
    The original section has the following text:
    15.30.9 Lines (line 44)
    45: The chart:lines property determines whether connecting lines between
    data points are
    46: shown.  The line interpolation is determined by the chart:splines
    Current change:
      1. "chart:splines" in line 46 is replaced by "chart:interpolation"
      2. The occurrence of "property" at the end of the paragraph is replaced by
      Make current change (1).  Leave "property" alone.  Work this over in 1.2
    if appropriate.
    Discussion and Rationale:
    While it is appropriate to use the term attribute, it is not clear why this
    change is made and no other occurrences of "property" in conjunction with
    attribute names are changed, not even the one in line 45.  Furthermore,
    chart:interpolation is defined under section 15.30.7 Line Chart Properties.
    (Note the "chart:interplation" misspelling in the first line of that
    My interpretation: Changing from "property" to "attribute" here suggests a
    technical usage that has "attribute" be important here and not in other
    places where property is used.  I suspect there is a technical difference
    and that there needs to be a clear, consistent language around the use of
    the two terms.  I don't think this is the time or place to draw attention to
    that with incomplete changes.
     - Dennis

  • 9.  #6.5 Errata comment - adding bulleted-list items

    Posted 09-04-2008 01:32
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    This applies to the single errata comment on
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    15.36     670  20     683  1
    The instruction is to "Insert into the list immediately before 15.36.1:
    Transition Type or Family, Transition Subtype, Transition Direction, Fade
    This insertion is into a bulleted list.  Because it is not clear to me how
    many list items the insertion represents, I decided that there are four new
    bullets and recommend changing the instruction to read "Insert into the list
    immediately before 15.36.1 the four additional list items: Transition Type
    or Family, Transition Subtype, Transition Direction, Fade Color"
    Revised Recommendation:
    OO.o allows bulleted lists in table cells in the errata spreadsheet.  So I
    would make it
    "Insert four additional items at the end of the list immediately before
       * Transition Type or Family
       * Transition Subtype
       * Transition Direction
       * Fade Color"
    using bulleted-list items. 
     - Dennis

  • 10.  #6.6 Errata comments - Font agreement

    Posted 09-04-2008 16:34
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.2.19    293  29     297  12
    The instruction is non-grammatical:
    Replace the first "the" in "the the" should be "that." The words "left,"
    "right, " "up," and "down" should all appear in the same font.
    Recommendation:  Correct the instruction by replacing "should be" with
    Replace the first "the" in "the the" with "that." The words "left," "right,
    " "up," and "down" should all appear in the same font.
    ** ADDITIONAL PROBLEM ** If fonts are to be corrected, the words
    "horizontal" and "vertical" should also be in the same font as the other
    attribute-value terms (i.e., the value-term "auto").  There is some
    indication that the occurrences of left, right, up, and down should not be
    in monospace, because these are semantical observations, not directly
    referring to values of the draw:escape-direction attribute, but to the
    allowed behavior.
    Supplemental recommendation #1 (preferable):  Provide a replacement for the
    entire paragraph that gets it right, with the fonts presented as expected in
    the replacement, clarifying what it means to escape in all four directions
    (as opposed to any of the four directions).
    Supplemental recommendation #2 (expedient): Strike the instruction with
    regard to fonts.
     - Dennis

  • 11.  #6.7 Errata comments - typo, grammar, and miscellaneous glitches

    Posted 09-04-2008 17:25
    Re: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/200808/msg00059.html
    My intention here is to report on the remaining 5 comments of mine.  I pray
    that I don't discover any more additional problems.
     - #6.7a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.3.3     300  11     304  5
    The instruction is in two parts (not numbered in the Errata):
    [1] Replace "," with "." at the end of "representation."
    [2] Insert "is" before "OLE" in the second sentence.
    Change [2] results in this sentence:
    An example for this kind of objects is OLE objects (see [OLE]).
    Replace [2] with 
    [2'] Replace "An example of this kind of objects OLE objects" with "OLE
    objects are examples of this kind"
    resulting in 
    OLE objects are examples of this kind (see [OLE]).
     - #6.7b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.3.3     301  1      304  36
    *NOTE: The sentence that is to be replaced begins on line 2, not line 1.
    The instruction is to replace the second sentence of the list item with a
    replacement that begins
    For objects that have an XML representation the representation of the object
    is ...
    The immediately beginning sentence starts with "For objects that have an XML
    representation ..." and it establishes the context for the second sentence.
    In the replacement statement in the instruction, replace "For objects that
    have an XML representation, the" with "The"
    The complete resulting list item will then be
      -  For objects that have an XML representation, the link
         references the sub package of the object.  The representation
         of the object is the equivalent to a separate document
         representing that object, except that it is stored in
         a folder in the document package.  The xlink references
         that folder.
    [This creates more new questions than it answers, but that is for another
     - #6.7c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    9.5       319  23     334  36
    The reference to the same passage in IS 26300 is incorrect.  The incorrect
    26300 reference is near the first erratum for section 9.5.3.
    Recommendation:  Replace the IS 26300 reference so the erratum is located at
    9.5       319  23     323  24
    [I have not systematically checked the page references between ODF 1.0 and
    IS 26300.  I caught this one because it was obviously strange.  I have this
    nagging suspicion that I should run through the entire list and verify all
    of the pairs of citations.]
    - #6.7d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    15.27.21  651  3      662  39
    The instruction is to
    Replace "left side" with "the right side".  
    However, "the" is already in front of "left side".
    To avoid doubling "the," change the instruction to
    Replace "left side" with "right side".
    - #6.7e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    15.31.4   664  19     676  40
    The instruction replaces one sizable passage with a larger one.  In the
    replacement, the next-to-last sentence begins
    "The chart:tick-marks-major-outer attribute specifies marks point in the ...
    Change "marks point" to "marks that point" in the replacement fragment
    quoted above.  
    Change "marks point" to "that marks point" if that is more to the point
     - Dennis

  • 12.  #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 03:21
    I had mentioned that I thought it was worth double-checking all of the
    references to ODF 1.0 and to IS 26300 (the ed.2cs1 version) to make sure
    there were no further inaccuracies beyond those already reported.
    I have done that.  Here are corrections.  Some are not off by much.  I would
    like these double-checked.  For ODF 1.0 I am using OpenDocument-v1.0-os.pdf
    created 2005-05-11:09:44:45.  For IS 26300, I am using
    OpenDocument-v1.0ed2-cs1.pdf created 2006-07-21-17:46:59.  Every line in a
    table caption is  counted.
              ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    Section   page line   page line
    6.7.5     141  18     141  *34*
    6.7.5     141  22     141  *38*
    9.3.3     300  13     304  *7*
    9.3.3     301  *2*    304  *38*
    9.3.10    307  39     311  *32*
    9.3.10    307  40     311  *33*
    *9.5.3*  *330* *27*  *334* *29*  [under "T" *** missed ***, same as B and V]
    9.5.3     330  35     334  37    [under "B" - correct]
    9.5.3     330  39     334  *41*  [under "V"]
    9.9       356  11     360  *35*
    11.7.3    432  22     438  *16*
    12.4      438  37     445  3 
    	Better instruction is: Replace "section ." with "section 9.9."    
    15.4.19   561  *12*   570  *38*
          [there are numbered blank lines in the schema]
    15.5.29   589  *23*   599  *43*
    15.5.38   592  25     602  *44*
    	[and ditto]
    15.10.1   605  5      615  *38*
    15.11.11  609  17     620  11
    	[watch Section column width in errata here down through 15.27.31]
    15.27.31  655  12    *667* 10
    15.27.31  655  18    *667* 16
    15.28.4   656 *32*    668 *31*
    15.30.9   661  46     674 *13*
    15.31.3   663  20     675 *36*
    15.31.3   663  21     675 *37*
    15.31.3   663  34     676  5
    *15.31.3* 663 *37*    676 *8*   [same instruction as previous item]
    15.36.10  675  6      687  36   [watch Section column width]
    16.1      679  29    *692**29*
    17.5      686  18     n/a       [already done in IS 26300]
    [other agreed changes may cause line references to move]
    17.7.3    688  38     701  35   [really needs a [media-types] reference]
    Appendix  695  8      708  9    [watch Section column width]
    I wasn't expecting to find so many.  
     - Dennis

  • 13.  Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 10:55
    I will be checking these this week as well.
    I don't know why I would be off consistently on the ISO 26300 numbers 
    but agree that they need to be proofed, again.
    Hope you are at the start of a great week!
    Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Patrick,
    > I had mentioned that I thought it was worth double-checking all of the
    > references to ODF 1.0 and to IS 26300 (the ed.2cs1 version) to make sure
    > there were no further inaccuracies beyond those already reported.
    > I have done that.  Here are corrections.  Some are not off by much.  I would
    > like these double-checked.  For ODF 1.0 I am using OpenDocument-v1.0-os.pdf
    > created 2005-05-11:09:44:45.  For IS 26300, I am using
    > OpenDocument-v1.0ed2-cs1.pdf created 2006-07-21-17:46:59.  Every line in a
    > table caption is  counted.
    >           ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    > Section   page line   page line
    > 6.7.5     141  18     141  *34*
    > 6.7.5     141  22     141  *38*
    > 9.3.3     300  13     304  *7*
    > 9.3.3     301  *2*    304  *38*
    > 9.3.10    307  39     311  *32*
    > 9.3.10    307  40     311  *33*
    > *9.5.3*  *330* *27*  *334* *29*  [under "T" *** missed ***, same as B and V]
    > 9.5.3     330  35     334  37    [under "B" - correct]
    > 9.5.3     330  39     334  *41*  [under "V"]
    > 9.9       356  11     360  *35*
    > 11.7.3    432  22     438  *16*
    > 12.4      438  37     445  3 
    > 	Better instruction is: Replace "section ." with "section 9.9."    
    > 15.4.19   561  *12*   570  *38*
    >       [there are numbered blank lines in the schema]
    > 15.5.29   589  *23*   599  *43*
    > 	[ditto]
    > 15.5.38   592  25     602  *44*
    > 	[and ditto]
    > 15.10.1   605  5      615  *38*
    > 15.11.11  609  17     620  11
    > 	[watch Section column width in errata here down through 15.27.31]
    > 15.27.31  655  12    *667* 10
    > 15.27.31  655  18    *667* 16
    > 15.28.4   656 *32*    668 *31*
    > 15.30.9   661  46     674 *13*
    > 15.31.3   663  20     675 *36*
    > 15.31.3   663  21     675 *37*
    > 15.31.3   663  34     676  5
    > *15.31.3* 663 *37*    676 *8*   [same instruction as previous item]
    > 15.36.10  675  6      687  36   [watch Section column width]
    > 16.1      679  29    *692**29*
    > 17.5      686  18     n/a       [already done in IS 26300]
    > [other agreed changes may cause line references to move]
    > 17.7.3    688  38     701  35   [really needs a [media-types] reference]
    > Appendix  695  8      708  9    [watch Section column width]
    > B
    > I wasn't expecting to find so many.  
    >  - Dennis

  • 14.  RE: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 16:33
    Patrick, there are many errata items where the page and line references are
    correct for both documents.  When I did my original errata review, I worked
    mainly from the ODF 1.0 OASIS Standard (-os.pdf) and I checked the ed.2-cs1
    only when inspection showed an unusual difference or the erratum had
    problems.  If I saw no problem with the erratum in the OASIS Standard, I
    often looked no further.  (I had procrastinated and I wanted to make the
    Friday deadline.)
    Because I found a few page-and-line deviations in the first review, I
    decided to check them all now.  That's how I found my additional list of
    suspects (plus some additional items that I noticed while inspecting for
    line numbers).
     - Dennis   

  • 15.  Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 11:35
    Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Patrick,
    > I had mentioned that I thought it was worth double-checking all of the
    > references to ODF 1.0 and to IS 26300 (the ed.2cs1 version) to make sure
    > there were no further inaccuracies beyond those already reported.
    > I have done that.  Here are corrections.  Some are not off by much.  I would
    > like these double-checked.  For ODF 1.0 I am using OpenDocument-v1.0-os.pdf
    > created 2005-05-11:09:44:45. 
    Are you sure about the time stamp on this one?
    Mine says: 2005-05-11:09:44:46?
    The fresh copy I just downloaded from the public TC page has the same 
    time stamp.
    Hope you are having a great day!
    >  For IS 26300, I am using
    > OpenDocument-v1.0ed2-cs1.pdf created 2006-07-21-17:46:59.  Every line in a
    > table caption is  counted.
    >           ODF 1.0     IS 26300
    > Section   page line   page line
    > 6.7.5     141  18     141  *34*
    > 6.7.5     141  22     141  *38*
    > 9.3.3     300  13     304  *7*
    > 9.3.3     301  *2*    304  *38*
    > 9.3.10    307  39     311  *32*
    > 9.3.10    307  40     311  *33*
    > *9.5.3*  *330* *27*  *334* *29*  [under "T" *** missed ***, same as B and V]
    > 9.5.3     330  35     334  37    [under "B" - correct]
    > 9.5.3     330  39     334  *41*  [under "V"]
    > 9.9       356  11     360  *35*
    > 11.7.3    432  22     438  *16*
    > 12.4      438  37     445  3 
    > 	Better instruction is: Replace "section ." with "section 9.9."    
    > 15.4.19   561  *12*   570  *38*
    >       [there are numbered blank lines in the schema]
    > 15.5.29   589  *23*   599  *43*
    > 	[ditto]
    > 15.5.38   592  25     602  *44*
    > 	[and ditto]
    > 15.10.1   605  5      615  *38*
    > 15.11.11  609  17     620  11
    > 	[watch Section column width in errata here down through 15.27.31]
    > 15.27.31  655  12    *667* 10
    > 15.27.31  655  18    *667* 16
    > 15.28.4   656 *32*    668 *31*
    > 15.30.9   661  46     674 *13*
    > 15.31.3   663  20     675 *36*
    > 15.31.3   663  21     675 *37*
    > 15.31.3   663  34     676  5
    > *15.31.3* 663 *37*    676 *8*   [same instruction as previous item]
    > 15.36.10  675  6      687  36   [watch Section column width]
    > 16.1      679  29    *692**29*
    > 17.5      686  18     n/a       [already done in IS 26300]
    > [other agreed changes may cause line references to move]
    > 17.7.3    688  38     701  35   [really needs a [media-types] reference]
    > Appendix  695  8      708  9    [watch Section column width]
    > B
    > I wasn't expecting to find so many.  
    >  - Dennis

  • 16.  Re: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 13:49
    Patrick, Dennis,
    On 09/15/08 13:35, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > Dennis,
    > Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    >> Patrick,
    >> I had mentioned that I thought it was worth double-checking all of the
    >> references to ODF 1.0 and to IS 26300 (the ed.2cs1 version) to make sure
    >> there were no further inaccuracies beyond those already reported.
    OASIS OpenDocument v1.0 2nd edition and ISO/IEC 26300 are two different 
    documents which have the same content, but have slightly differrent line 
    and page breaks. Do we want to provide the page/line numbers of the 
    OASIS document or of the ISO document?
    My understanding is that the current errata document refers to page and 
    line numbers in OASIS OpenDocument v1.0 2nd edition. That's okay for me. 
    But if we talk about page and line numbers, we should be careful to 
    refer to this document as ISO/IEC 26300, as this may cause confusion.
    Best regards
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 17.  Re: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 15:45
    On 09/15/08 15:50, Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote:
    > Patrick, Dennis,
    > On 09/15/08 13:35, Patrick Durusau wrote:
    >> Dennis,
    >> Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    >>> Patrick,
    >>> I had mentioned that I thought it was worth double-checking all of the
    >>> references to ODF 1.0 and to IS 26300 (the ed.2cs1 version) to make sure
    >>> there were no further inaccuracies beyond those already reported.
    > OASIS OpenDocument v1.0 2nd edition and ISO/IEC 26300 are two different 
    > documents which have the same content, but have slightly differrent line 
    > and page breaks. Do we want to provide the page/line numbers of the 
    > OASIS document or of the ISO document?
    Thanks to Patrick, I have just noticed that I opened the wrong 
    documents. With the exception of the four additional pages that the ISO 
    document has at the beginning, page and line breaks in both documents 
    actually seem to be the same.
    I'm sorry for the confusion that I may have caused.
    Michael Brauer, Technical Architect Software Engineering
    Sun Microsystems GmbH             Nagelsweg 55
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany          michael.brauer@sun.com
    http://sun.com/staroffice         +49 40 23646 500
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
    	   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
    Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
    Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
    Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 18.  RE: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 16:33
    Patrick, you are correct.
    I reported the time stamp incorrectly.  The OpenDocument-v1.0-os.pdf
    creation date is 2005-05-11:09:44:46.
    Thanks for the catch.
     - Dennis
    PS: For those playing along at home, the creation date is on the Adobe
    [Acrobat] Reader File | Properties ... dialog Description tag. 

  • 19.  Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 13:44
    Do you have a copy of the Japanese errata?
    The reason I ask is that some of the "errors" you report in my numbering 
    is the result of finding some "other" error than the ones reported by 
    the Japanese defect report.
    For example:
    Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Patrick,

  • 20.  RE: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review - Japanese Errata

    Posted 09-15-2008 17:41
    When I reviewed the errata document during its review period, I relied only
    on information in that document.  I was unaware of any relationship to
    comments received and, in particular, the Japanese Errata that had come in
    some time ago.
    So my review was strictly on my ability to apply the errata to the documents
    and achieve an understandable result, the same as anyone would have to do
    who would receive the errata document outside of the committee who was
    unaware of the comments and other defect detections that led to the errata.
    Since joining the TC, I have more information and I have seen the document
    referred to as the Japanese Errata.  I have not referred to it at all, with
    my additional review and discussion still being from the same principles.  I
    understand that there have been comments about coverage of the Japanese
    Errata in this errata document, but I had no way of knowing what the
    intention was and whether any noticed omissions were accurate, intentional,
    or inadvertent.  So I have not addressed that, nor did I address the items
    that Murata-san and Michael worked through.
    In some cases, I found an erratum to be inexplicable, and I wondered what
    the reported defect actually was and what the rationale was for the fix.
    Sometimes I suggested alternative resolutions because I did not know the
    rationale was and what the discussion might have been (and my alternatives
    have often missed what the original defect was claimed to be).
     - Dennis
    PS: I believe it is unfortunate that a rationale is not provided with the
    errata.  I think there should least be a key to whatever comments are
    believed to be resolved by it.   It is very difficult to check those errata
    items that are not obvious typographical errors in some cases.  It seems to
    me that some sort of rationale should exist within the committee and be
    referenced in the errata document or its transmittal, if that were possible,
    for use in checking the errata and accountability for the resolution of
    comments.  This notice should at least be provided during the review-comment

  • 21.  RE: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review - defect lines vs. erratum lines

    Posted 09-15-2008 17:41
    In verifying line numbers, I only go by what the errata instruction is.  I
    don't assume knowledge of what the original comment or defect report was.
    In the particular case of my correction
    9.3.3     300  13     304  *7*
    the change is to have the reference be to the same place as the
    corresponding place (300 13) in the OASIS ODF 1.0 Standard.  This is the one
    where the instruction is 
    "Delete 'a' and make 'representation' plural." 
    Makes sense?
     - Dennis

  • 22.  Reason for the difference in line numbering: was Re: #6.8 - ErrataReview

    Posted 09-15-2008 13:53
    I have found the reason for the differences in our line numbering.
    You are counting the line numbers in schema fragments and I am not. I 
    only count lines of text.
    I discovered this on page 304 of ISO 26300 where you say the defect is 
    on line 38 and I kept coming up with line 37.
    If you look closely, you will find that the schema fragment has a blank 
    line that is assigned a number, and if you could that line, which I 
    don't since I don't count blank lines elsewhere, the reason for the 
    difference becomes evident.
    Noting that not all schema fragments have blank lines and those that 
    don't, our line numbering agrees.
    For a while there I thought I had lost the ability to count! ;-)
    Hope you are having a great day!
    PS: Oh, ok, so how do we number lines? Just so I can finish hand 
    proofing this today I am going to use your convention of relying on the 
    line numbers for any schema fragments. It really doesn't matter so long 
    as we are consistent and note the methodology in the errata report.
    Patrick Durusau
    Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
    Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
    Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
    Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)

  • 23.  Re: #6.8 - Errata Review

    Posted 09-15-2008 15:38
    Another question:
    Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

  • 24.  RE: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review - "In-passing errors"

    Posted 09-15-2008 18:26
    I was not consulting the defect report.  I just happened to see, while
    trying to match up the lines, that there was this other line that had
    exactly the same problem. (I ran into that line by mistake while checking
    the existing errata items and it took extra effort to be sure which were the
    correct places to apply the existing errata.) 
    So I am pointing out this other place in the same table.  In one sense it is
    the same defect, and I am not so literal about scope (since as a reviewer of
    the errata as it is disseminated, I have no idea about that - the scope
    restriction is not in evidence).
     - Dennis
    PS: For me, specifications are like software even though in prose.  That,
    together with the prospect of non-native English readers and translators for
    other languages, requires extra care.  Handling comments and defect/incident
    reports (again, for me) is like dealing with bugs and usability hiccups.
    There is what is reported, which may be a symptom, there is the underlying
    defect, which needs to be figured out, and then there is finding the places
    where the defect is to be remedied.  Asking where else the defect may be
    manifest is a natural question when dealing with software and
    specifications.  That might be too complicated for a simple erratum/patch
    and broader remedies are deferred to a new release, but if one jumps out in
    your face, my tendency is to nip that one off too.  Why leave it to trip
    people up and having to be found again later when it is in our hot little
    hands right now.  
    There is also the small matter that, to outsiders, having no knowledge of
    and concern for "the scope," seeing an obvious defect be incompletely
    corrected will reflect badly on the TC and leave doubts about where else we
    are careless about this (from an external perspective). 
    In this particular case, if we don't make the change now (arguing that it is
    in scope because it is the same defect and it will trip people up to see it
    overlooked), it is at least captured now and can go on a growing list of
    items for future errata.  Unless ODF 1.0 is declared obsolete or supplanted,
    I suspect that another errata document is quite likely. 

  • 25.  Re: [office] Re: #6.8 - Errata Review - "In-passing errors"

    Posted 09-15-2008 20:51
    In theory I don't disagree with your position on errors in the text and 
    don't want you to have the impression that I do.
    As a practical matter, however, errata have to be bounded by those 
    reported by someone, else how would we know where to stop? One position 
    would be that we should create "errata" that when applied would result 
    in ODF 1.2. That is certainly possible in theory but I would not want to 
    volunteer for the task.
    The purpose of this errata is to fulfill our maintenance obligations 
    that OASIS undertook when it submitted ODF 1.0 2nd edition to ISO. There 
    are a variety of opinions about the process we have or have not followed 
    and I don't want to get diverted into that discussion here.
    Suffice it to say that this set of errata was created to answer the 
    Japanese "defect" report which I referenced earlier today. And yes, 
    there were a number of errors in my latest draft that you caught and I 
    am very grateful for the hard work.
    Yes, the ODF TC needs a vigorous discussion of errata processes, how 
    long we will even answer questions about prior versions, etc.
    However, my impression is that while ODF is of a great deal of interest 
    to many parties, the TC doesn't have unlimited resources and so I 
    suspect that at some point we are going to decline to maintain earlier 
    versions of the ODF standard. That is just a guess on my part but I 
    think it is probably accurate.
    Hope you are having a great day!
    PS: I have been cross-checking against your checks, plus against the 
    Japanese errata and both the ODF 1.0 and ISO 26300 text so I am hopeful 
    that the version I file tonight will be fairly clean.
    Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
    > Patrick,
    > I was not consulting the defect report.  I just happened to see, while
    > trying to match up the lines, that there was this other line that had
    > exactly the same problem. (I ran into that line by mistake while checking
    > the existing errata items and it took extra effort to be sure which were the
    > correct places to apply the existing errata.) 
    > So I am pointing out this other place in the same table.  In one sense it is
    > the same defect, and I am not so literal about scope (since as a reviewer of
    > the errata as it is disseminated, I have no idea about that - the scope
    > restriction is not in evidence).
    >  - Dennis
    > PS: For me, specifications are like software even though in prose.  That,
    > together with the prospect of non-native English readers and translators for
    > other languages, requires extra care.  Handling comments and defect/incident
    > reports (again, for me) is like dealing with bugs and usability hiccups.
    > There is what is reported, which may be a symptom, there is the underlying
    > defect, which needs to be figured out, and then there is finding the places
    > where the defect is to be remedied.  Asking where else the defect may be
    > manifest is a natural question when dealing with software and
    > specifications.  That might be too complicated for a simple erratum/patch
    > and broader remedies are deferred to a new release, but if one jumps out in
    > your face, my tendency is to nip that one off too.  Why leave it to trip
    > people up and having to be found again later when it is in our hot little
    > hands right now.  
    > There is also the small matter that, to outsiders, having no knowledge of
    > and concern for "the scope," seeing an obvious defect be incompletely
    > corrected will reflect badly on the TC and leave doubts about where else we
    > are careless about this (from an external perspective). 
    > In this particular case, if we don't make the change now (arguing that it is
    > in scope because it is the same defect and it will trip people up to see it
    > overlooked), it is at least captured now and can go on a growing list of
    > items for future errata.  Unless ODF 1.0 is declared obsolete or supplanted,
    > I suspect that another errata document is quite likely. 

  • 26.  #6 Errata 01 Comments Review (Summary)

    Posted 09-04-2008 17:40
    At the 2008-08-25 TC Call, I offered to provide narrative around the Errata
    comments that I submitted on 2008-08-22 via the office-comment list.
    I submitted a marked-up .odt of the 2008-07-21 Committee Draft 02.  
    There are 14 identified problems, including the splitting of one erratum
    into two entries.
    I have broken these into 6 commentaries, submitted in separate posts to this
     1 entry:   #6.1 Errata comment - unimplementable change (re sections 15.4.7
    and 15.4.8)
     2 entries: #6.2 Errata comment - "Our" to "or" Siamese Twins (re section
     3 entries: #6.3 Errata comment - "an integer value, the value indexing a
    draw:modifiers" (re section 9.5.3 and 9.5.6)
     1 entry:   #6.4 Errata comment - property versus attribute (re section
     1 entry:   #6.5 Errata comment - adding bulleted-list items (re section
     1 entry:   #6.6 Errata comments - Font agreement (re section 9.2.19)
     5 entries: #6.7 Errata comments - typo, grammar, and miscellaneous glitches
    (re sections 9.3.3 (2x), 9.5, 15.27.21, and 15.31.4) 
     - Dennis

  • 27.  Re: [office] #6 Errata 01 Comments Review (Summary)