OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

RE: [xacml] Function Document Issues

  • 1.  RE: [xacml] Function Document Issues

    Posted 08-26-2002 16:13
    2. "and" and "or", "n-of" functions. I think they are unnecessary in contrast to their "ordered-*" counterparts. Since we are now paying explicit attention to ERROR when evaluating policy, I think we should just go with the "ordered" versions of these functions for explicitly determinate results. Agree on "and" and "or" - should just leave ordered ones (or, rather, rename them to be "and" and "or" "n-of" is a different thing - does not have an alternative - and does not suffer from the current "or"/"and" indeterminate result - due to indeterminate evaluation order - issue.. 3. What is the type of an argument to the function "present". What does it look like? Someone please give me an example. The same one that goes into "AttributeId" xml atribute of the <*Designator> element. This means if <EnvironmentAttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:env:date" DataType="xs:date"/> will return a non-emty sequence if evaluated then <Apply FunctionId="function:present"> <AttributeValue DataType="xsi:anyURI">urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:env:date</AttributeValue> </Apply> should return "true" It would return false if the environment portion of context has no idea what "date" is.