OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg]

    Posted 11-06-2001 16:23
    I think that David and I have concluded that no change toTimeToLive is
    needed since the needed comparison is between TimeToLive and the time that
    the message recipient received the message.
    Your philosophical point is, of course, correct.
    Martin W. Sachs
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    P. O. B. 704
    Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
    914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
    Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
    Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
    Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com> on 11/06/2001 04:12:26 PM
    Please respond to "Dan Weinreb" <dlw@exceloncorp.com>
    To:    Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
    cc:    david@drummondgroup.com, arvola@tibco.com,
    Subject:    Re: [ebxml-msg]
       Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:49:30 -0500
       From: "Martin W Sachs" <mwsachs@us.ibm.com>
       Changing the name makes sense but won't there be a concern for existing
       implementations?  Of course, we are already doing much more violence to
       DeliverySemantics, so why worry here?
    If we keep the name the same and change its meaning, that's just as
    bad for existing implementations.