Hi Elysa, Everyone,
I thought we were cancelling today. Msg/Not is not scheduled. I have
scheduled another meeting at this time, but I will postpone it until
after we finish. My only agenda item is scheduling the EDXL-RIM SC
with the toll-free number.
At 8:42 AM -0500 4/29/08, Elysa Jones wrote:
>I would like to start both meetings an hour later than normal. IF
>SC at 12:30 instead of 11:30 and EM-TC at 1:00 instead of 12:00. We
>have traditionally posted our meeting times in eastern time,
>although I like Allessandros idea of just doing GMT and forgetting
>about the time zone issues. I'll start that with our meetings
>beginning in Mary. Thanks, Elysa
>PS - I am not certain whether the Msg/Not will meet following the
>EM-TC or not.
>At 08:17 AM 4/29/2008, Timothy Grapes wrote:
>>Hi Elysa/everyone,
>>I can make the time - Lee cannot.
>>However, I believe you are suggesting the IF call at 12:30 ET and TC call at
>>1:00 ET - is that right? You wish to slide the time forward but note the
>>call time at 12:00 ET, which is our regular time.
Original Message-----
>>From: Elysa Jones [ mailto:ejones@warningsystems.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:03 AM
>>To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: [emergency] Meetings today
>>As you know the OASIS Symposium is this week and for the first time
>>in several years, we do not have LONG face to face meetings
>>scheduled. There are a few TC members here and we may be able to
>>have a face-to-face meeting during our normally scheduled meeting
>>time today. However, we are on the west coast and the keynote
>>speaker (Eduardo Gutentag) will not be finished until 9:30PDT or 12:30EDT.
>>We are considering sliding the meeting time forward an hour so that
>>we could start the IF-SC at 11:30EDT (9:30 here) and the EM-TC call
>>at 12:00EDT (10 here) to avoid the conflict with the keynote. Bill
>>Kalin representing DHS/S&T is here as well as Chris Springer
>>representing DHS/FEMA/IPAWS. They may also be available for our
>>meeting. I am hoping to find a room where we can have those here in
>>person meet together during our call. If any other EM-TC members are
>>here in person, please let me know. We are also hoping to have a
>>gathering either this evening after the reception (around 6:30 or 7)
>>or Wed evening after the General Membership Meeting and reception (around
>>Please respond to this note as to your availability for the meetings
>>today - 1) whether you can only be available for the normal time or
>>if you are ok with starting an hour later, 2) if you are here and can
>>be available for an evening meeting either Wed or Thurs at the time
>>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
>>generates this mail. You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
>> https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php
Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670