OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  OASIS Symposium

    Posted 03-24-2006 15:04
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    emergency message

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    Subject: OASIS Symposium

    Dear Chip,
    The OASIS Symposium will be held the week of May 8-12.  The EM-TC is doing 
    all we can to make the most of our time together to further the standards 
    efforts for emergency management.  I think it would be helpful to have 
    someone from the DM program there to speak to the changes that have gone on 
    in your organization as well as the upcoming work of the SWG.  While I have 
    heard this and so have members of the EIC, our EM-TC has not, except second 
    hand from me.  Would you consider such a presentation on either the morning 
    of 5/10 or 5/11?
    Thanks for all you do to facilitate the development of open standards in 
    support of emergency management.
    Best regards,
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102

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