OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] HAVE Conformance vs. Documentation vs. Released Schemas

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] HAVE Conformance vs. Documentation vs. Released Schemas

    Posted 03-15-2010 17:41
    David - I am glad that you have a concept here that will work.  Once you
    buy my company you can then issue me work instructions and demands.
    Please send your offer in US dollars.
    > Lee,   OK - lets spell this out in technical terms of schema - ignore I
    > ever mentioned NIEM.   Here's what you do.  In OASIS EDXL there is the
    > HospitalResourcesStatus.   Critically it is missing all the mission
    > elements needed below for Haiti relief purposes.   So what you do is
    > create an extension schema - put in all those new components that you need
    > urgently - then extend the definition of HospitalResourcesStatus to
    > include those as additional choices.   Import the extension schema into
    > the OASIS EDXL XSD - and now you have what you need working - and you
    > disseminate the extension schema for those systems that need to process
    > the extended elements.   You submit your extension schema to the TC as
    > suggestion for inclusion in next release of EDXL.   As a TC it is
    > therefore beneficial to instruct people - here's how to extend our schema
    > in a recommended way to meet emergency needs.  Please provide that as
    > feedback to us when you do.
    >  Thanks, DW