Submitter's message [revised version]
Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Recorded by N. Harrison
regrets: Adrian Warman, JoAnn Hackos
Standing Business
Minutes from last meetings: (21 May, Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by MichaelP, approved by TC
Subcommittee Reports:
Next month 4 June - SIDSC
AI Nancy will confirm with Bob Beims
1. DITA 1.3 progress
Progress between 20-26 May: (Eberlein)
Update on deadlines: Trello Board: Kris reviewed the current status with folks who have deadlines coming up.
2. DITA 1.3 proposals, stage 2: Ready for discussion:
Ready for vote: Voting options are Yes, No, No objections, I don't understand the proposal, and I have reservations
13041: Cross-deliverable linking (Kimber) (resume discussion following web session) (DITA, uploaded 28 April) (HTML, uploaded 28 April) (PDF, uploaded 28 April)
Vote: unanimous approval, 'yes' votes from the following:
Robert, Deb, Don, Kris, Nancy, DavidH, Scott, Stan, Eliot, Tom, Mark Meyers,
MichaelP, ChrisN y
3. DITA 1.3 proposals, stage 3: Ready to assign reviewers
13111: MathML domain(Kimber) (DITA, uploaded 26 May) (HTML, uploaded 26 May) (PDF, uploaded 26 May) (Toolkit plug-ins, uploaded 26 May)
Eliot went over the changes he'd made to the proposal based on last week's discussion; he has implemented MathML processing, and has created RelaxNG as well as DTD version of the new code. He hasn't done an.xsd version yet, since very few people seem to use those. He's also included a MathML example of every element and most combinations.
Kris; Who are the reviewers for this?
Robert and DickH will review the current proposal.
In review:
13023: New element (Owner: Kimber; Reviewers: Doherty & Day; reviewers assigned on 14 May 2013)
13027: Allow in more places (Owner: Kimber; Reviewers: Harrison & Tivy; reviewers assigned on 14 May 2013)
13029: Allow in more places (Owner: Kimber; Reviewers: Day & Hamilton; reviewers assigned on 14 May 2013)
13089: learningObjectMap and learningGroupMap (Owner: Myers; Reviewers: Kimber & Hudson; reviewers assigned on ?)
Ready for vote: Voting options are Yes, No, and Abstain
4. NEW ITEM: Releasing DITA 1.3 in 2014? 2017? 2018? (Eberlein, 28 May) Kris brought up her mail (above), which looked at 'what are all the work items/steps that we need to deal with to get 1.3 out', including all the OASIS requirements for moving to each approval stages. From her analysis, it will take at least 25 weeks after we lock down contents, but that means REALLY lock down contents. Once we enter the OASIS approval process, we can't even correct typos. Kris thinks in order to deliver by Dec. 2014, we
will need to get all Stage 2 work done by Aug. 1st (~2 month) and all stage 3 work complete and reviewed by end of November.
- Don; well, aren't they mostly build issues
- Kris; yes and no, There's some build work, and other stuff that isn't; some of this is about how do we package things and think about things. we really need to get some hard deadlines on stage 2 and 3 items or they won't get in
- Don; yes, there are two areas that relate, design and build
- Eliot; i'm expecting to start working more fully on this, (rearranging my time for that).
- Kris; So, are you willing to help in supporting the build process?
- Eliot; Yes, and work on tooling and editorial work as well.
- Kris; Robert and I did the work for 1.2; we can't do it again for 1.3
- Eliot; I don't think total editorial work for 1.3 is as much as there was for 1.2, but there is certainly a lot.
- Kris; DITA 1.3 process mitigates some of the 1.2 problems, but there are still a lot; e.g. we had 5 reviews of 1.2 content, spread over 1.5 years.
- Robert; We definitely need deadlines, but even so, we need to be rigorous in enforcing rigor on the proposals; we didn't in 1.2 and ended up with problems.
- Eliot; Deadlines are essentials.
- Chris; Eliot, currently 25 of the 51 1.3 proposals are yours; should we parcel them out? You're clearly the long pole...
- Eliot; many of them are quite small and scoped, I should be able to get them out quickly to work on the big ones. Also, I can jettison the publising map proposal.
- Kris; Eliot, please think hard about what else you can jettison. We need to finish stage 2 work within the next 2 months. then complete stage 3 from Aug 1 - Nov 30. Any proposal not approved in full for stage 3 should go. Also, to meet OASIS requirements, we need 3 OASIS members who've implemented the 1.3 content.
- Eliot; for a bunch of my proposals, we're using them now.
- Kris; No, until we actually have packages that can be installed, we can't say anyone's using it.
- Kris; All TC members need to consider how they can pitch in.
Resolution; we'll continue discussion of this next week.
5. NEW ITEM: Clarification of @chunk= to-content combined with topic reuse (Jason Liu, Blackberry, 23 May 2013) - Kris; No one's commented on this inquiry yet; he's asking about expected behavior wrt setting @chunk.
- Robert; the situations should be clearly laid out in the spec.
Action Item: Robert will look at how @chunk is handled in the spec and wrt Jason Lui's e-mail, and consider what points pertain to DITA as a standard and what pertain specifically to the DITA-OT.
6. Continued ITEM: Proposal for improved table accessibility (Hudson, 29 March)
7. Continuing item: DITA TC processes for creating OASIS-branded documents/Contains and Contains By tables
Robert gave an update on discussion he had with Mark Meyers and others on this. Chunked spec packages will require different versions of the tables for each package ..
meeting closed at noon
-- Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes May 28 2013 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2013-06-10 17:56:07 Revision : 1