Friends, There are a couple of things coming up in the EM-TC for you to be aware: 1. There will be a meeting of the CAP-SC on Monday 9/14 at 1pmET to review any topics to be raised to the EM-TC prior to the CAP Workshop. 2. The next meeting of the EM-TC will be Sept 22, the normal day but one hour earlier at 11amET. This will coincide with the closure of the CAP Jump Start training and be the day before the CAP Workshop begins. All members and observers are welcomed to attend. This is a one-time change. 3. The RIM-SC meetings have been moved from alternating Thursdays to Tuesdays during non-TC weeks. The next meeting will be Sept 15 at 11ET, Sept 29 and continuing. During the 9/15 meeting we will be looking at the github site that contains the data for the NIEM EM domain. During the 9/29 meeting we will have a presentation by the NIEM EM domain. During subsequent meetings we will discuss the EDXL use cases and how members wish to move forward regarding alignment. 4. Emergency Member Section. There is an opportunity for any of you that are members of the Emergency Member Section to be nominated for the Member Section Steering Committee. If you are interested in this or want to know more, please let me know. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, send an email to: Be sure to copy the person you are nominating if not yourself so they can indicate their willingness to serve via reply. Details for these meetings can be found in Kavi. Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Emergency Interoperability Member Section