OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Fwd: [ubl-sbsc] Re: [ubl] UBL 1.0 SBS permanent absolute web location (urls)

  • 1.  Fwd: [ubl-sbsc] Re: [ubl] UBL 1.0 SBS permanent absolute web location (urls)

    Posted 02-27-2006 09:50
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    Subject: Fwd: [ubl-sbsc] Re: [ubl] UBL 1.0 SBS permanent absolute web location (urls)

    Hi. That's good. I do need to update the BPSS documents
    however with the expected fully qualified urls if that is OK
    with the process for a cs. I'll just need a few days to do this
    if it's OK to do so. The last posted package will at least
    need to be corrected in this regard (each ebbp/bpss file
    and the example in the index).
    A minor issue seems to be the length of the filepaths deep
    in the package. In particular the 'universal-business-process-1.0-...'
    being removed in two of the directory names would help.
    Would this be a change requiring a further review? If so maybe
    it should be left alone.
    Many thanks
    On 25/02/06, jon.bosak@sun.com <jon.bosak@sun.com> wrote:
    > [stephengreenubl@gmail.com:]
    > | Just one further question: Should I call it by what I believe
    > | should be its final name
    > | 'cs-UBL-1.0-SBS-Procurement-1.0'
    > |
    > | or call it
    > | 'cd-UBL-1.0-SBS-Procurement-1.0'
    > | or
    > | 'wd-UBL-1.0-SBS-Procurement-1.0'
    > | requiring final editorial name changes if it is accepted
    > | by the TC?
    > I don't think there's any reason to include "procurement" in the
    > name of the 1.0 SBS; there's no other 1.0 SBS from which we need
    > to distinguish it.
    > I don't know what the OASIS policy is on the timing of a change
    > from "wd" to "cd" or "cs", but we've been using the label that
    > correctly describes a given draft at the moment it's being
    > balloted or reviewed.  So when we were voting to make UBL 2.0 a
    > committee draft for public review, we called it "wd-UBL-2.0", but
    > before sending the approved draft to OASIS, I changed it to
    > "prd-UBL-2.0".
    > With regard to 1.0 SBS, however, it needs no further approval from
    > the TC unless there have been "substantive changes" -- we voted to
    > send it into public review in January.  So I would just call it
    > "prd-UBL-1.0-SBS-1.0" and have done with it.
    > (There is a nonzero probability that I've gotten mixed up on where
    > we are with this one vs. UBL 2.0, UBL 2.0 SBS, and UBL 2.0 SBS
    > process definitions, so feel free to correct me.)
    > Jon

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