Summary of Discussion Points Raised I have been going back through the emails, and these are some of the issues that have been raised. We need to try to draw conclusions in any areas where there is consensus, or identify the points of agreement/disagreement where there is no consensus. I'll try to pick out the points made in email discussion for each topic in separate emails so that the discussion on each can, I hope, draw to a conclusion. Please do not reply to this email to discuss the points but only if there are other important ones I have missed. 1. Backward compatibility: what are requirements? - I will do a summary email on this 2. Spreadsheets - are they in scope for CT? - consideration of volume of data in thread CT and Spreadsheet tables - see thread change tracking proposals 3. What should be trackable? - see thread Change tracking uses cases 4. Independent implementations of GCT - we have established that the two implementations were independent 5. Granularity of changes - see thread ECT Buckets and GCT 6. Order of accept/reject in GCT - I'll write an email to clarify this one (I am not sure who raised this and I cannot locate it right now) 7. How to constrain GCT - see the thread How to define restrictions: was 'Convergence of proposals' Best regards, Robin -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Robin La Fontaine, Director, DeltaXML Ltd Change control for XML T: +44 1684 592 144 E: Registered in England 02528681 Reg. Office: Monsell House, WR8 0QN, UK