UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Groups - NDRSC Teleconference Call added

  • 1.  Groups - NDRSC Teleconference Call added

    Posted 07-10-2003 14:00
    NDRSC Teleconference Call has been added by Lisa Seaburg (lseaburg@aeon-llc.com).
    Event description:
    U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145
    Int. access/caller paid number: (865)524-6352
    Access code: 5705229
    1.  Roll Call and Welcome from the chair (Eduardo)
    2.  Acceptance of minutes from previous meetings, we still need London minutes finished. - This can wait until next meeting.
    3.  Adoption of agenda/schedule planning
    Upcoming Call Schedule:
    June 18 - Eduardo, chair (NDR Rules Checklist)
    June 25 - Lisa, chair (NDR 1.0 and UBL CL Comm. Spec)
    July 2 - Mark, chair (Clist & NDR 1.0 OASIS review)
    July 9 - Mavis, chair (Clist & NDR 1.0 OASIS review)
    July 16 - Lisa, chair (Clist & NDR 1.0 OASIS review)
    July 23 - Mark, chair  (Clist & NDR 1.0 OASIS review)
    July 28 - Aug 1 - Face to Face Montreal (Process OASIS NDR/Clist review)
    4. Review NDR Rules Checklist, started last week.  Notes are inline in the document.  Available at:
    6.  Other Business:
    7.  Adjorn
    Next NDRSC teleconference call is June 25th
    Date:  Wednesday, 09 July 2003
    Time:  08:00am - 10:30am Pacific Time
    This event is one in a list of recurring events.
    Other upcoming dates include:
    Wednesday, 16 July 2003, 08:00am to 10:30am Pacific Time
    Wednesday, 23 July 2003, 08:00am to 10:30am Pacific Time
    View event details:
    PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
    application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
    copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web