OASIS Emergency Management TC

RE: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE issues found (for review / answer)

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] EDXL-HAVE issues found (for review / answer)

    Posted 11-06-2009 16:30

    Yikes.  Looks like we need to provide implementation guidelines here in lieu of changing the schema.

    I'm not sure what people had in mind in making BedType repeatable within BedCapacity - when really you'd expect a one-to-one to Capacity within BedType/SubCategory(s).

    Unless Capacity was intended to be either / or - Total capacity only - and not broken out by BedType.

    I suspect that may be the case here - since specific bed type is kinda a squishy volatile value if the assigning in my wifes hospital locally here is anything to go by!!!

    In either case we could take care of this by giving instructions on how to treat this - and show a couple of use case examples.

    Thanks, DW

    p.s. does SubCategoryBedType REALLY allow mixed content!?!?! Double yikes!