OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-07-19

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-07-19

    Posted 07-21-2010 21:42
    OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-07-19
    * Begin 9:34 EDT
    * Rollcall
    +Andreas Guelzow
    Bob Jolliffe
    +David Wheeler
    +Dennis E. Hamilton
    +Don Harbison
    Doug Schepers
    +Eike Rathke
    +Eric Patterson
    Michael Brauer
    +Mingfei Jia
    +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
    +Patrick Durusau
    +Rob Weir (presiding)
    +Steven Pemberton
    *Svante Schubert
    Thorsten Behrens
    Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent 
    Non-Voting members with an *.
    - 11 of 13 voting members (84%) were in attendance, so quorum requirements 
    were met.
    - Membership notes: Michael Brauer regains voting rights at the end of 
    this meeting
    * Agenda is approved by unanimous consent
    * Minutes of July 12th, approved by unanimous consent
    * ODF 1.0 maintenance
    - WG6 meeting will be on Wed.
    - DCOR 1 status update for WG6 meeting.  Patrick will provide.
    - Approved Errata 2: Dennis and Svante continue to review and discuss
    - ODF 1.1 amendment draft posted by Francis Cave, WG6.
    * ODF 1.2 Discussion
    - Michael set up public review dash board.
    - We should use CD 05 for effects version, CD 06 for fix version
    - Default orientation on public comments: fix errors, defer new feature 
    - Stephen Pemberton - importance of providing feedback directly to 
    - Michael all issues are change tracked
    - Rob NEEDS-DISCUSSION flag used when TC member wants to put an issue "on 
    hold" pending disucssion
    - JIRA: David, Bob, Jos need access.  Rob to bring up with Mary.
    - OpenFormula SC call next week, on July 27th. ROb will chair.
    * ODF-Next
    - 230 JIRA issues assigned to ODF-Next
    - Need volunteers and implementors on board to help push proposals
    - Rob TC also has the ability to send short list of proposals out for 
    public review
    - Where are implementers going?
    - Ming Fei What about old ODF proposals? Rob to confirm whether these are 
    all i JIRA
    * Adjourned 10:32 EDT