OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EDXL-DE Usage

    Posted 03-16-2006 03:24
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: EDXL-DE Usage

    Elysa is having email trouble and asked me to post this for her:
    To whom it may concern:
    Warning Systems, Inc. has an application which consumes an EDXL 1.0 
    via our Java client to determine if there is an applicable CAP payload.  
    so, the CAP message containing alert and warning information is sent to 
    processor that activates EAS, DTMF/2-tone and our OnAlert radio 
    Elysa Jones
    Engineering Program Manager
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102

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