Dear all At the past couple of meetings we have discussed using the TC wiki page for sharing use cases, and I volunteered to do some additions and editing. One of the great things about the wiki is that it has version control. It is always possible to see who has changed what and to revert to previous versions, so feel free to do all the editing you want. To edit a page you need to log in to the wiki. This is done using your general Oasis username/password. This is what's in the wiki so far: I've added Dale's additions to the page. Please add/edit freely or send your suggestions to me. I've added the template for use cases as discussed at our last meeting. It's using the format that we discussed a couple of meetings ago. Suggestions for modifications and/or different formats are most certainly welcome. Overview of current use cases with links to the detailed description. Use cases: I've added all of Dale's use cases as well as the current status of the PEPPOL use cases. You can find the links in the overview above. Note that the PEPPOL use cases have not been finalized yet. Sven and I still need an iteration to discuss them, and most of them are lacking descriptions. Some might be self-explanatory but there are also some that definitely need a detailed description – we are working on it. I will go through some of the more important ones tomorrow. Best regards, Kenneth