OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

NDR checklist: ATD6 (was: Re: [ubl] QA on UBL 1.0 build (20 April))

  • 1.  NDR checklist: ATD6 (was: Re: [ubl] QA on UBL 1.0 build (20 April))

    Posted 04-21-2004 23:39
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: NDR checklist: ATD6 (was: Re: [ubl] QA on UBL 1.0 build (20 April))

    | 4. The NDR checklist still contains [ATD6] "Each xsd:schemaLocation 
    | attribute declaration URL MUST contain an absolute
    | path."  yet the schemas don't do this. i thought mark had written some 
    | words for this?
    I believe you're thinking of this exchange:
    Doesn't look like we got any language out of it, though.
    Here's what I'm going to put into the checklist unless I hear
       [ATD6] Each xsd:schemaLocation attribute declaration URL MUST
       contain an absolute path. NOTE: Pending the storage of the UBL
       schemas in the OASIS registry and the assignment of persistent
       URIs, relative URIs have been used in the current release. See
       Appendix G.2.1 for further details.
    By the way, shouldn't the original rule have said URIs or URNs
    rather than URLs?  Just asking...

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