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Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Meeting Minutes 2006-02-06
Paul Langille, Corel
Nathaniel Borenstein, IBM
Yue Ma, IBM
Robert Weir, IBM
Patrick Durusau, Individual
Waldo Bastian, Intel
Jody Goldberg, Novell
Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
Florian Reuter, Sun Microsystems
Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
Gary Edwards, The OpenDocument Foundation
David Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes of 2006-01-30
Action Items
Michael, David: work on settings interop/spec - ongoing
Michael: send a link to the 26-01-23 minutes to the Japanese SC34 member
body - ongoing
Michael: propose dates for a face-to-face meeting - ongoing
Michael: clarify alternative communication channels for SC's/TC's - done:
All: Provide feedback on the formula SC charter - done:
Topics Discussed
The OpenDocument TC will run under the 2005 IPR policy starting February, the
Formula Sub Committee
David Wheeler reported that he intents to contribute the OpenFormula
specification to the OpenDocument TC immediately after the TC has started to
run under the 2005 IPR policy.
An updated proposal for the charter of a formula sub committee has been
prepared by Michael:
The TC unanimously agreed to the foundation of formula sub committee with the
charter proposed my Michael. SC chair shall be David Wheeler. SC Editors
shall be Robert Weir and Eike Rathke.
The TC agreed that the SC won't start its work before February, the 20th.
The TC estimates that it will take 6 to 9 months to create first formula
specification proposal.
Meta Data
The TC discussed the option to create a meta data subcommittee for the
purpose of collecting requirements regarding meta data. After completion of
this, the SC may get rechartered to create proposals to meet this requirements.
Michael will create a proposal for a meta data subcommittee for discussion in
the next coordination call.
New Action Items
Michael: Create meta data sub committee charter proposal
Next conference call
TC work call: 2006-02-13 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
TC coordination call: 2006-02-20 4PM GMT – 5:00PM GMT
Michael Brauer
OpenDocument TC chair
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