OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

    Posted 11-26-2001 15:20
    Please see my response to Bruce Pedretti:
    I was trying to let the CPA provide the guidance to the sending MSH whether
    it should include an AckRequested element in the SOAP header, should the
    application omit the specification of whether it wants an AckRequested
    element to be constructed, and the two parties have agreed that this
    property is "perMessage" rather than "fixed"
    Similarly, I was trying to provide a default value for duplicateElimination
    should the application not specify a value for this attribute, and the two
    parties have agreed that this attribute is "perMessage".