OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Re: [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Minutes - Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Minutes - Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003

    Posted 01-28-2003 18:54
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    Subject: Re: [xliff] XLIFF Teleconference Minutes - Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003

    My apologies but I left out 1 new item of business, #6.

    >>> John Reid <JREID@novell.com> 1/28/03 4:49:42 PM >>>
    XLIFF Teleconference Minutes - Tuesday, 28 Jan 2003
    1. Attendance:
    Tony Jewtushenko, Oracle Corporation, TC Chair
    Yves Savourel, TC Editor
    G�rard Cattin des Bois, Microsoft
    Doug Domeny
    Mirek Driml, Moravia-IT
    Milan Kar�sek, Moravia-IT
    Christian Lieske, SAP
    Mat Lovatt, Oracle
    Enda McDonnell
    David Pooley, SDL
    John Reid, Novell
    Bryan Schnabel, Tektronix
    Shigemichi Yazawa
    Peter Reynolds, Bowne Global Solutions, TC Secretary
    Mark Levins, IBM/Lotus
    The following have lapsed TC membership
    John Corrigan, Sun Microsystems
    Ian Dunlop, Novell
    Reinhard Sch�ler, Localisation Research Centre
    2/Previous Meeting Minutes - accept as is or amend: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200301/msg00020.html
    Enda moved to accept, David 2nd
    3/Review Open Issues in the tracking report: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200301/msg00035.html
      1-- Issue 6 is the only open issue: There are 6 options previously discussed. 1-4 based on Mat's proposals, 5 Doug's proposal, 6 Yves's proposal to defer to a future release. Option 5 was discussed. Shigemichi and G�rard discussed compatibility issues for 1.0 parsers and the ramifications of the change: 1.0 only had "yes" or "no" with a default of "yes". Thus, the parser may only look for "no" values. It would not discover those of "font". Mat then suggested that the list of values for reformat be left open using the "x-" mechanism. However, the opinion that any extended attribute from another namespace wass that namespaces responsibility. Enda also pointed out that the extended value would have the form "x-namespace:attribute", which is rather cumbersome. Mat conceded the point. Tony called for a vote for the proposals (Option 5 was only for the mechanism and not of the actual values), Mat 2nd. Each member chose their preferred option in a role-call vote. The results are: option 4, 1 vote; option 5, 11 votes; 1 abstain.
      2- The values for reformat was then discussed. Doug read the values proposed in his proposal (option 5). There was a discussion about adding color but it was generally felt that this could be too problematic. There was a discusson about css-style and if that didn't extend the values. It was pointed out that since this only says the css-style attribute can be reformated and does not specify what in that attribute can be reformatted, it was not an extension of reformat values. Tony called the role-call vote and the values as proposed by Doug was approved unanimously.
      3- Mat introduced a new issue based on an earlier email: Since the resname attribute can have whitespace it should not be a nmtoken as it is in the schema/DTD. There was some discussion about whether this nneeded to be decided by the TC. It was decided that this was a bug of the schema/DTD and should be corrected without any action of the TC.
    ACTION ITEM: Editor to modify the spec accordingly.
    4/Schedule of remaining work

    Release Candidate on Feb. 5
    Allow two meetings discussion of spec changes.
    Feb 19 target date

    5/ Carried over from last week:  Discussion and response to recent xliff-comment regarding resizing of RC type data within XLIFF - http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff-comment/200212/msg00000.html .  This query relates to Mat's "reformat" issue (issue # 6).  Do we need to communicate the solution per Issue 6 with Mr. Tsepalov?

    There was some discussion between Mr. Tsepalov and Yves. Since Mr. Tsepalov has not responded recently it is assumed no action neds to be taken by the TC.

    6/Any New Business

     1- John brought up the discussion between himself and Yves concerning the origin, tu-state, and state attributes.

    ACTION ITEM: John will propose a solution for this.

      2- Yves brought up the incompatibility with 1.0 of forcing an order on the elements, as was done in 1.1. John proposed that we rescind the decision and recommend in the sppec the order specified. Yves 2nd. Role-call vote was unanimous approval of the proposal.

    ACTION ITEM: Editor to modify the spec accordingly.

      3- Doug pointed out that the latest version of the schema has an encoding problem.

    ACTION ITEM: Yves will investigate.

    7/Next meeting - Tues,  4 Feb 2003, 04:00PM Europe/London/Dublin  / 08:00 AM PST

    John Reid
    Sr. Software Engineer
    Novell, Inc.
    801/861-3855        ( Work )
    801/861-2754        ( PreferredFax )

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