OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Comments on XACML 1.1 draft 3

  • 1.  Comments on XACML 1.1 draft 3

    Posted 08-01-2003 01:26
     MHonArc v2.4.5 -->

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    Subject: Comments on XACML 1.1 draft 3


    Here are my comments on the new draft version 3 posted at

    Essentially, these are the restatement of my old comments posted at

    Section 5.4 (PDF, page 48, Lines 1847--1848):
    "The <XPathVersion> element SHALL specify
    the version of the XPath specification to be
    used by <AttributeSelector> elements."

    should be

    "The <XPathVersion> element SHALL specify
    the version of the XPath specification to be
    used by <AttributeSelector> elements and XPath-based functions."

    My point is that this sentence should mention not only <AttributeSelector>
    but also XPath-based functions.

    This comment is based on Section 3.9 of the errata document.

    Two different terms (with/without "-") are used to refer to a URI equality comparison.

    Without "-":
    "URI equality" in Sections 5.27 and 7.9.1.

    With "-":
    "URI-equality" in Section 5.28 (PDF, page 59, line 2286).

    We should have a common term.

    Satoshi Hada
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory

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