OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

    Posted 03-29-2010 20:10
    Please review section 4.4.3 and let us know:
    1) Assuming Pmode.[1].Protocol.Restart set to True and  Pmode.[1].Protocol.Restart.Protocol set to 'as2-restart", is  Pmode.[1].Protocol.Restart.Interval the only relevant configuration / agreement parameter?   We discussed an interval between each restart as separate parameter, but after the call I thought an interval for the first to last restart covers all that is needed.
    2) Can AS2 Restarts be adapted to support situations where the restart is initiated by the message responder rather than the initiator? See discussion below.
    3) ebMS 3.0 also supports SMTP as a transport protocol, in fact some of the early ebMS 3.0 users are using this instead of HTTP. Is there an AS2 restart-like protocol for AS1 ?  There is RFC 1845 for SMTP, but it is from 1995 and still "experimental".

    From: Aaron [mailto:aaron@drummondgroup.com]
    Sent: 29 March 2010 20:55
    To: 'Pim van der Eijk'; 'Moberg Dale'; timothy@drummondgroup.com
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart


    What specific questions were discussed last week in regards to AS2 Restart proper?  My understanding is that there were questions for instances if messages expire?   Any others? 

    Aaron Gomez


    From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:pvde@sonnenglanz.net]
    Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 11:50 AM
    To: 'Moberg Dale';
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart


    In the update (v56) I just posted, I've added a restriction to "push" mode when using AS Restart, to be able to use this feature without modification.  And left open the possibility to specify other transport-level restart mechanisms.  AS2 Restart will still be useful for ebMS since deployments where this feature is needed will typically not be the small companies that motivated "pull" but medium or large organizations, so in practice many of the intended users would be served. 


    But perhaps we should still to a SOAP-level chunking/splitting mechanism to get a really general solution.



    From: Moberg Dale [mailto:dmoberg@axway.com]
    Sent: 29 March 2010 18:08
    To: Pim van der Eijk;
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

    Good question.

    Restart was intended mainly for POST HTTP messaging with the “payload” sent in the POST, not in the response. This can be seen in that the sender (the POSTer) needs to find out from the receiver (using HEAD) how much data was received for an identified payload.

    In the reverse case (using the “backchannel”) some other solution is needed. GET with a byte range? Re-POST with a payload identifier and something indicating the byte ranged that is still needed?

    From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:pvde@sonnenglanz.net]
    Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:27 PM
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart



    AS2 only supports "pushed" messages, and this is what AS2 Restart supports.

    A question is whether this mechanism could be used for large "pulled" messages.  




    (I will post an updated version of the spec today or tomorrow)

    From: Timothy Bennett [mailto:]
    Sent: 26 March 2010 16:51
    Cc: Pim van der Eijk; ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

    During last Wednesday's discussion on the TC about using AS2 Restart, there were a number of questions raised about the spec that couldn't be answered.  Would you folks that raised questions, please post them here, so that I can submit them to Aaron Gomez here at Drummond Group so that he and Terry Harding (Axway; AS2 Restart spec editor) to brainstorm/prepare responses.



    New drafts will be issued until a decision is made about advancing it
    through the IETF RFC process. I would have to find out whether there are
    any dependencies on existing drafts. But mainly nothing unusual seems to
    be in store for the draft's progress because it will meet the IP
    policies and it is an informational RFC. Therefore, it does not have to
    go through the same reviews as a standards track RFC would go through.