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Subject: Agenda: 12/16 Call
Good morning all. I will not be on the call today due to a customer
engagement, but have chatted with Rick - he will be Chairing the call.
As for the agenda, it is as follows:
* Issue #1: started to chat about on the last call, but we needed some
clarification as to the intension of the comment. Walid was going to try
and look into where the comment originally came from.
* Issue #7/9: IF SC was going to forward some proposed language after
discussing some more.
* Issues #22/29: I still owe the TC some language, which I PROMISE to
get out this week without further delay. Will hopefully have in your
hands in time for Thursday's call to discuss.
After these, we simply need to select another undiscussed item and move
forward. The spreadsheet on the Member Site is current, so you can use
that one as a guide.
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
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