Thank you for bringing this important work to be standardized at OASIS. I
have a question and a suggestion.
In Section a. you do not provide any abbreviation. Is it your intent that
this TC should always be referenced using the full TC Name in all
correspondence, press releases (including all multiple references), etc.?
If you expect that people will want to have some shortened Name, what
abbreviation are you suggesting: "Search WS TC"?
> a. Name of the Technical Committee
> OASIS Search Web Services Technical Committee
In Section b., c., d., you mention several acronyms (OKI, OSID, ZOOM, SQI,
etc.). There were no references for these works. Most Charters that
provide any type of reference to other works, provide a URI to where that
work can be reviewed. This is important so that prospective TC Members can
conduct appropriate due diligence making use of direct links to referenced
work. Please consider enhancing the charter with these URI references.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Gannon
President & CEO
+1.978.667.5115 x201 - office
+1.978.761.3546 - mobile
Skype: pgannon
> ===========
> 1. Charter
> a. Name of the Technical Committee
> OASIS Search Web Services Technical Committee
> b. Purpose
> To define Search and Retrieval Web Services, combining various current and
> ongoing web service activities.
> Within recent years there has been a growth in activity in the development
> web service definitions for search and retrieval applications. These
> SRU, a web service based in part on the NISO/ISO Search and Retrieval
> the Amazon OpenSearch, which defines a means of describing and automating
> search
> web forms; as well as many proprietary definitions (e.g. the Google and
> Search APIs). There are also a number of activities for defining abstract
> APIs that can be mapped onto multiple implementations either within native
> or onto remote procedural calls and web services, such as ZOOM (Z39.50
> Oriented Model); SQI (Simple Query Interface), an IEEE standard developed
> searching and retrieval in the IMS (Instructional Management Systems)
space; and
> OSIDs from the Open Knowledge Initiative. While abstract APIs would be out
> scope, these would inform the work to increase interoperability and
> compatibility.
> c. Scope of the Work
> The development of a web service interface specification covering:
> * Search/Retrieve
> * Query
> * Sorting
> * Record Retrieval
> * Index Browsing
> This will include the development or identification of an abstract query
> language incorporating an extensible framework, plus one or more
> profiles.
> The work will also involve semantic description of search services but
> build upon existing work (e.g. NISO Z39.92) rather than define new
> The work will seek input from abstract API initiatives such as OKI, ZOOM,
> SQI.
> Out of Scope: Although as mentioned the work will seek input from
abstract API
> initiatives, the development or standardisation of Abstract APIs is out of
> scope.
> Specific Contribution of Existing Work as a Starting Point: The following
> are available to the technical committee for further development:
> * SRU http://www.loc.gov:8081/standards/sru/ or
> http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/
> * CQL http://www.loc.gov:8081/standards/sru/specs/cql.html or
> http://www.loc.gov/standards/sru/specs/cql.html
> Additional contributions from other TC members also are welcome.
> How it is to be Determined when the Work of the TC has been Completed:
> The work will be considered completed when (a) an OASIS standard is
> that embodies the functionality provided by the two specifications listed
> plus any additional contributions, plus or minus functions agreed upon by
> TC; and (b) any errata, extension or further versioning of the
> that this TC then wishes to create has been completed.
> d. Deliverables
> * Service definition(s)
> * XML Schemas
> * Web Service interface specifications including HTTP POST, HTTP GET,
and a
> SOAP binding.
> * Query language definition
> * Community defined profiles:
> - bibliographic community
> - others
> * User best practice documentation
> * Implementer best practice documentation (including ZOOM, OSID, SQI
> mappings).
> Completion Dates: The target completion date is February 2008. An
itemized list
> of dates for each of the above items will be developed by the TC.
> e. IPR Mode
> Royalty Free on Limited Terms
> f. Anticipated Audience/Users
> Those involved in the design, development, implementation, or use of
> listed above in "Scope of the Work". This includes search service
> prospective users of search services exposed as XML, information
architects and
> bibliographic, metadata, and content providers.
> g. The language in which the TC shall conduct business
> English.
> ----
> 2. Additional non-normative material relating to the TC's start-up
> a. Similar or applicable work (OASIS and elsewhere)
> The following standards and projects may be relevant to the TC's planned
> although none currently provide the functionality anticipated by this
> committee's deliverables:
> NISO Z39.50/ISO23950
> NISO Z39.92
> Opensearch
> Google API
> MSN Search API
> The TC intends to seek and if possible maintain liaison with each of the
> organizations maintaining the above works.
> b. Details of the first meeting
> The first meeting of the of the committee will be held by telephone
> call on 28 June 2007. Call-in information will be provided to the TC's
> list in advance of the meeting.
> Note to members: This is a preliminary proposal; the meeting date may
change in
> the final Call for Participation.
> c. Projected on-going meeting schedule
> The work of the committee will be carried out primarily by email and
> calls, possibly every two weeks, with face-to-face meetings perhaps once
> twice a year.
> Following the first several calls, an initial face-to-face meeting,
perhaps two
> days, or one and a half, is planned. The TC will determine its own
schedule once
> organized.
> d. Supporters of the Proposal
> The following people support this proposal and are committed to the
Charter and
> projected meeting schedule.
> Kerry Blinco,(DEST Australia)