OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

[office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-04-03

  • 1.  [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-04-03

    Posted 05-08-2006 08:56
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    office message

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    Subject: [office] OpenDocument TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-04-03

    Robert Weir, IBM
    Patrick Durusau, Individual
    Jody Goldberg, Novell
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    Florian Reuter, Sun Microsystems
    David Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
    Acceptance of Minutes from Last Call
    The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes from the last
    coordination call
    Action Items
    Michael: prepare issue tracking - in progress
    Michael: prepare roadmap - done, see discussion
    SC Status
    Accessibility (Rob)
    On track, working on gap analysis and proposals to the TC
    Formulas (David W.)
    Syntax specification is due May 2nd. Moving on to basic function 
    specification thereafter.
    Metadata (Patrick)
    Aiming to complete use-case document mid-May
    TC Discussion
    OpenDocument 1.1 - committee draft july 2006, public review Aug/Sep 2006
    contains errata, A11Y, 1.0 documents will comply to 1.1
    [See link above for 1.2 and further details...]
    Clarification on conformance (Adoption TC)
    - conformance is defined in the OpenDocument specification.
    - the adoption TC must not use the term conformance when defining levels 
    of compliance/interoperability that go beyond what is defined in the 
    specification in order to avoid confusion.
    (Rob) the Adoption TC is discussing the creation of a Compliance SC 
    which would have the task to define such interoperability levels
    Resolution: Conformance is covered by the specification. We support any 
    efforts to work on interoperability definitions that are more fine grained.
    New Action Items
    - none -
    Next conference call
    work call: 2006-05-08, 3:00PM-4:00PM UTC
    coordination call: 2006-05-15, 3:00PM-4:00PM UTC

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