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Subject: Standard or Spec (was RE: [emergency] FW: [legalxml-intjustice]GJXDM...)
At 9:06 AM -0600 3/23/04, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
>CAP and Global Justice are specifications for systems groups want to create.
Um... well, that's certainly true in part. However, within the
warning systems industry there are existing systems and an immediate
need for standards and that's where CAP originated.
Occasionally we've drifted into discussion of some ultimate system
we'd like to see built. Nothing wrong with that sort of visioning,
but in the meantime real-world applications of CAP are happening
right now... in DC, in Oregon, in California and in Australia just to
mention a few.
BTW... one of those warning system providers will be sitting in on
today's call on my behalf... Elysa Jones of Warning Systems Inc. is a
founding Trustee of the Partnership for Public Warning and just an
excellent human being and I know you'll all enjoy having her among
you. (Meanwhile, I get to actually get paid for something.)
- Art
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