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Subject: [xacml] Next XACML Face-to-Face Meeting...
Title: Next XACML Face-to-Face Meeting...
On yesterday's TC teleconference, we formally voted to accept the following date and location for the next XACML F2F meeting:
Date: Wed., January 23 - Thurs., January 24, 2002
Time: 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. (PST), both days
Place: LAX Hilton (i.e., the Hilton at the Los Angeles airport)
Note that this meeting, like the TC teleconferences, will count toward membership in good standing. As we were not able to meet in November or December, and as we are at an important stage in our work, I am hopeful that this meeting will be well attended (e.g., 10 - 15 people).
Bill Parducci will circulate further information (room rates, directions, etc.) shortly.
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