OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMSperMessage parameters

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMSperMessage parameters

    Posted 11-27-2001 12:51
    Please see Bruce's explanation why it may still be useful to have negotiated
    defaults for the AckRequested and DuplicateElimination parameters even when
    the two parties have agreed that these be variable on a per message basis.
    In my comments on the 1.09 draft, I am also questioning whether the
    MessageOrder module needs to be treated similar to the AckRequested module
    with "perMessage" semantics.
    My assumption has been that Reliable Messaging (ack/timeout/retry) behavior
    must be triggered by the presence of an Acknowledgment element in the
    message. Either the application has to explicitly direct its local MSH to
    construct an appropriate Acknowledgment element or the MSH must look up in
    the CPA to determine if an Acknowledgment is to be created.
    Similarly, whether duplicates are to be eliminated is controlled by the
    duplicateElimination attribute within the QualityOfServiceInfo element.
    Either the application has to explictly direct its local MSH to set this
    attribute to the desired value or the MSH must consult the CPA for the
    default value.
    I am agreeable to simplifying the design to omit the recording of any
    negotiated default from the CPA. In this case, whenever the CPA indicates a
    parameter is "perMessage", the application must explicitly provide a value
    for it so that the MSH can populatate the SOAP Header properly.