On 1/28/10 4:26 PM, Svante Schubert wrote:
4B61ACBA.8050003@sun.com" type="cite">
- Comment: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/201001/msg00289.html
Amendment: No Action so far, shall we change the wording in ODF 1.0
that the feature is 'implementation dependent'?
If so, I would move those notes into the table with a changed wording.
Amendment: Exchange 'implementation defined' with 'implementation
dependent' in the notes.
I was blind for this mistake, thank you Patrick!
If I remember it well 'implementation defined' means the implementation
have to explicitly define 'somewhere', how it handles this feature when
it wants to apply to the standard.
Which causes a problem if implementation that had not defined their
behavior for ODF 1.0 previously, they would suddenly would no longer
support ODF 1.0 after that errata. Right?
The one question remains: shall we change the wording in the spec and
for this move the change from the notes to the table?