Dear all, please find enclosed a tentative release of Akoma Ntoso dated 03 January 2022. This release aims at providing an initial support for more sophisticated definitions as requested by many. By way of example, I will use Veronique's EU fragment sent to me on Dec. 29th, 2021. Attached you can also find her example, fully marked up. The solution allows four alternative ways for creating definitions, all compatible with each other and of increasing complexity and expressive power. SOLUTION A - the simplest. This solution is very simple and it is already possible with the pre-existing vocabulary. It uses implicit association, identifies the definiendum (element <def>) and assumes that the definiens is the hcontainer around the definiendum. Not appropriate for more precise identification or for more complex structures. > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_1"> > <num>(1)</num> > <content> > <p> <def eId="def_1">third-country national</def> means any person who is not a citizen of the > Union within the meaning of Article 20(1) TFEU;</p> > </content> > </point> SOLUTION B - more precise. This solution uses a single new inline element "defBody", and a new global attribute @defines pointing to the id of the <def> element which it is the definiens of. The element is an inline, and it allows you to map with the required precision every definiendum to a single sentence anywhere in the document (but not a whole structure such as a whole point or a whole article). > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_1"> > <num>(1)</num> > <content> > <p> <def eId="def_1">third-country national</def> means <defBody defines="#def_1">any person who is not a citizen of the > Union within the meaning of Article 20(1) TFEU</defBody>;</p> > </content> > </point> SOLUTION C - more flexible. This solution uses a single new global attribute "defines", containing the id of the <def> element which it is the definiens of. The element can be any structure or inline, including <span>, <p>, <article>, or any TLC element. It allows you to map with the required precision every definiendum to a single contiguous element that contains the whole body of the definition. The attribute "defines", placed inside point (2) (first line) creates a mapping between the whole of the point (the definition body) and the definiendum (element def with eId "def_2"). > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_2" defines="#def_2"> > <num>(2)</num> > <intro> > <p> <def eId="def_2">highly qualified employment</def> means the employment of a person > who:</p> > </intro> > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_2__point_a"> > <num>(a)</num> > <content> > <p>in the Member State concerned, is protected as an employee under > national employment law or in accordance with national practice, > irrespective of the legal relationship, for the purpose of > exercising genuine and effective work for, or under the > direction of, another person;</p> > </content> > </point> > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_2__point_b"> > <num>(b)</num> > <content> > <p>is paid for that work; and</p> > </content> > </point> > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_2__point_c"> > <num>(c)</num> > <content> > <p>has the required higher professional qualifications;</p> > </content> > </point> > </point> > SOLUTION D - complete, flexible, sophisticated This solution can represent basically any need seen so far: multiple competing definitions under different conditions, definitions placed over non-contiguous structures of any kind, even definitions defining multiple definienda, etc. There is a new <definitions> section in the <analysis> block (if you want we can put it elsewhere). Within the <definitions> block there are as many <definition> elements as there are individual complex definitions (competing definitions correspond to separate <definition> elements). Each <definition> element has one or more <definitionHead> elements, each pointing to a <def> element in the body, and may contain a refersTo attribute to a TLCTerm, and one ore more <definitionBody> elements, each pointing to an element where (a part of) the body of the definition is specified. An optional <condition> element can be used to specify, in natural language, under what condition is this specific definition active. No condition implies the definition is universal. An optional <scope> element can be used to specify, in natural language, for which scope is this specific definition active. No scope implies the definition is universal. An optional @period attribute can also be specified in case the definition is limited temporally. An optional @appliesTo attribute can also be specified in case the definition is limited to only a named fragment of the document. An optional @refersTo attribute can be used to refer to a TCLConcept put into play by this definition. > <meta> > <analysis source="#FV"> > <definitions source="#FV"> > <definition refersTo="#highskills"> > <definitionHead href="#def_9" refersTo="#hps"/> > <definitionBody href="#art_2__para_1__point_9_point_a"/> > <definitionBody href="#art_2__para_1__point_9_point_b"/> > </definition> > </definitions> > </analysis> > <references source="#FV"> > <TLCTerm href="/ontology/term/higherprofessionalskills" showAs="higher professional skills" eId="hps"/> > <TLCConcept href="/ontology/concept/highskills" showAs="high Skills" eId="highskills"/> > </references> > </meta> > [...] > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_9"> > <num>(9)</num> > <intro> > <p> <def eId="def_9">higher professional skills</def> means:</p> > </intro> > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_9_point_a"> > <num>(a)</num> > <content> > <p>as concerns the occupations listed in Annex I, knowledge, skills > and competences attested by professional experience at a level > comparable to higher education qualifications, which are > relevant to the profession or sector specified in the work > contract or binding job offer, and which have been acquired over > the duration set out in Annex I for each relevant > occupation;</p> > </content> > </point> > <point eId="art_2__para_1__point_9_point_b"> > <num>(b)</num> > <content> > <p>as concerns other occupations, only where provided for by > national law or national procedures, knowledge, skills and > competences attested by at least 5 years of professional > experience at a level comparable to higher education > qualifications and which are relevant to the profession or > sector specified in the work contract or binding job offer;</p> > </content> > </point> > </point> > Ciao Fabio -- Modifications introduced in the 03/01/2022 Release - Added elements <definitions>, <definition>, <definitionHead>, <definitionBody>, <scope> inside the analysis block - Added element <defBody> as an inline available everywhere in the body - Added attribute @defines as an optional global attribute for all body elements -- Fabio Vitali The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics go to their graves Univ. of Bologna ITALY alike in this respect: phone: +39 051 2094872 both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: Where, then, may wisdom be found? Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code Attachment: Release Description: Zip archive Attachment: exampleDef.xml Description: application/xml