OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about ConversationId

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about ConversationId

    Posted 12-05-2001 04:39
    Martin, On Tue, 04 Dec 2001 08:55:33 -0500 Martin W Sachs <mwsachs@us.ibm.com> wrote: > > Shimamura-san, > > If you add a status attribute, the application (or conversation management > middleware) still has to tell the MSH how to set that attribute. > Yes, I know. The sending application (or middleware) still has to tell the sending MSH the conversation's status. However the receiving application (or middleware) does not need to tell the receiving MSH the conversation's status, if we add the status attribute to ConversationId element. Because the status information is propagated to receiving MSH automatically. > You cannot ignore software errors. You cannot guess at the correct > behavior. A software error is an error and must be reported as an error. Exactly. However we can reduce possibility of application's bug by better design of lower layer middleware such as MSH. In your idea, both sending and receiving application have to tell its MSH the conversation's status. But in my idea, receiving application does not need to do it. Thus possibility of receiving application's bug is reduced. I think it is better design. Regards, -- SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <shima.masa@jp.fujitsu.com> TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241) FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783) Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED