Hi Yves, all,
True: an attribute related to "status" with regard to translation is definitely a requirement that exists.
I would think that we may need it on a least two levels:
1. file
2. trans-unit/segment
I also agree that a careful definition of the possible values (and correspondingly the processing requirements/expectations) is needed. Possibly, we will have to consider the idea of "phases" that was circulated at the XLIFF Symposium in Limerick. Looking at this, we would have "phases/processes" related to linguistic work such as "language editing", "translation", "transcreation", "transliteration", and "states" such as "aborted, executable, finished, not-executable, preliminary-finished, started, suspended/paused, resumed".
Original Message-----
From: Yves Savourel [ mailto:ysavourel@translate.com ]
Sent: Freitag, 22. April 2011 17:12
To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff] Translation status values for 2.0
Talking about attributes: one information that is important and may be useful to have as part of the core is the status of the translation.
In 1.2 for example we have a approved in <trans-unit> and state in <target>.
I think this need to be re-work in a way that allows to know the status of the segment via one attribute.
Looking at the different tools and their usage of state, it seems it varies a lot. But this is one specific list of values that is going to be important to get carefully defined so it has some logical progression but covers as much as possible the states required by the different tools. Each value needs to be carefully defined so misue risks are reduced. We may also want to talk directly to developers and see how they map their values to it.
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