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Subject: Fwd: New OASIS IPR Policy Review
I am still having a fit getting email from the OASIS list (getting them
hours, days, and sometime a week after they are sent). Anyway, I just
got the "reminder" email Karl today regarding the new OASIS IPR Policy
Review, which appears to have come on time, so I wanted to notify you
all. At the same time Rex sent me a reminder that included the email he
sent to the MSG SC
msg00000.html), so I have just included his email here.
If you have any comments, just let me know and I will pass on to the
appropriate people - Allen
Begin forwarded message:
> Hi Folks,
> Art mentioned a couple of weeks ago that OASIS mgt. is trying to roll
> out a new IPR Policy which will require us as TC's to make a
> determination of the type of policy under which any and/or all of our
> specifications will be offered . Karl subsequently sent a message to
> the chairs list asking the chairs to pass along the views and
> decisions of their TC. I was not prepared last week to do this, and
> you all would not have had enough time to read, absorb and put it into
> perspective, and neither would I since I have not read it for myself
> yet, though I have read the comments of various chairs about it.
> Beyond that, this is Allen's perogative for the TC. However, since I
> couldn't find the message for the minutes minutes of this SC, I am
> passing it along now.This is still review period.
> Here's the url info:
> On 9 July OASIS announced to its membership a draft IPR Policy that
> has been developed by our Board, and requested that members review and
> provide comment on this draft. (See
> There are three documents associated with this member review:
> * The document containing the draft revised OASIS IPR Policy is found
> at
> download.php/7515/
> IPR%20Policy-%20Mem%85ne%2025%2C%202004.pdf
> * The Transition Policy defining how members and TCs will transition
> to the
> new IPR Policy is found at
> download.php/7514/
> IPR%20Transition%20%85%202004%2006%2025.pdf
> * A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document explaining the new IPR
> Policy,
> the reasoning behind it, and the Transition Policy, is found at
> download.php/7554/
> IPR%20Policy%20FAQ.pdf
> Ciao,
> Rex
> --
> Rex Brooks
> GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
> W3Address:
> Email:
> Tel: 510-849-2309
> Fax: By Request
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