OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC


  • 1.  =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re:_[ubl]_reusable_spreadsheets_error?=

    Posted 04-23-2004 14:39
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] reusable spreadsheets error

    Apologies - the previous zipped file was corrupted somehow
    The Excel file is large so I'll send it zipped again
    but in case there is a problem with my compressing
    I'll send the oOO file unzipped (it's already effectively zipped)
    and ask if Jon would mind saving it as an .xls file in oOO.
    Sorry and thanks
    All the best
    stephen_green@seventhproject.co.uk wrote on 23.04.2004, 13:52:01:
    > Jon
    > Horror-of-horrors I came across an error in cell B240
    > in the reusable model spreadsheets
    > Please would you substitute the attached amended version
    > Hope it's not too late (quite bad if left as an error)
    > Thanks and sorry.
    > Steve



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