OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Reporting Mechanism for EbXML Errors?

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Reporting Mechanism for EbXML Errors?

    Posted 11-05-2002 19:49
    Hi all, I just wanted to confirm a point regarding reporting of errors in ebXML messaging... If a given inbound soap message package identifies itself as ebXML and is not valid per the EBXML 2.0 XML Schema is it expected that a SOAP Fault is returned? For example, suppose an inbound ebXML message specifies an error severity of "Errors" in violation of the allowed values ("Error" or "Warning")...is this problem to be reported as a SOAP Fault? My aim is to confirm the bounds to which the ebXML error reporting mechanism is expected to apply... (to tie down distinctions in the treatment of "XML validation" problems and "ebXML validation" problems for a given message...) Best Regards, Dave Elliot XML Global Technologies