OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

Call for Comment: proposed Charter for OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) TC

  • 1.  Call for Comment: proposed Charter for OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) TC

    Posted 06-28-2016 14:28
    To OASIS Members: A draft TC charter has been submitted to establish the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee. In accordance with the OASIS TC Process Policy section 2.2: ( https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process#formation ) the proposed charter is hereby submitted for comment. The comment period shall remain open until 23:59 GMT on 12 July 2016. OASIS maintains a mailing list for the purpose of submitting comments on proposed charters. Any OASIS member may post to this list by sending email to: oasis-charter-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org . All messages will be publicly archived at: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/oasis-charter-discuss/ . Members who wish to receive emails must join the group by selecting "join group" on the group home page: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oasis-charter-discuss/ . Employees of organizational members do not require primary representative approval to subscribe to the oasis-charter-discuss e-mail. A telephone conference will be held among the Convener, the OASIS TC Administrator, and those proposers who wish to attend within four days of the close of the comment period. The announcement and call-in information will be noted on the OASIS Charter Discuss Group Calendar. We encourage member comment and ask that you note the name of the proposed TC (OCPP) in the subject line of your email message. --- TC Charter ---  Section 1: TC Charter (1)(a) TC Name  OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee (TC)  (1)(b) Statement of Purpose The OCPP TC will strengthen the electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure by bringing the industry together to advance an international standard that assures the interoperable exchange of EV and EV supply equipment (EVSE) data (also referred to as “charge point” or “charging station”). By defining uniform, application-level, data exchange methods and communications, the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) will make it possible to connect any central system or third-party network service provider with any electric vehicle (EV) charging station (Charge Point), regardless of vendor. With OCPP, true interoperability and standardized, secure access to Charge Points will be possible. OCPP standardization will promote innovation and benefit the entire range of stakeholders in the electric vehicle (EV) eco-system: 1) Charge Point Owners: Municipalities, businesses, and other owners will have more freedom to choose their Central Management System Suppliers with OCPP. Owners will be able to change and add different Suppliers to their network whilst keeping their existing charging stations operational (avoiding stranded assets and vendor lock-ins). Owners will have the flexibility to select suppliers and services based on the best price, quality of service, innovative features, and other criteria of their choosing. 2) Central System Providers or Integrators: With OCPP, providers of central systems can easily integrate Charge Points from different vendors into their system. This gives Providers the freedom to pick and choose from a pool of vendors and to operate in different countries with different vendors if necessary. Providers can acquire new customers by incorporating the customer’s existing Charge Points into their systems. 3) Charge Point Vendors: Providers of standard-compliant Charge Points will be able to easily integrate their Charge Points with different Central Systems. This enables Providers to sell more products to more customers and gives them the option to join existing charging networks.  4) Electricity Service Providers and/or System Operators: Charge Points are an important element in the smart grid. OCPP will allow Electricity Service Providers and/or System Operators to interact with the charging infrastructure and indirectly with aggregated EV loads or supplies by optionally applying transactive energy technologies to address temporary surplus and shortage due to abundance of renewables or other factors. 5) Demand Response (DR) Service Providers and/or Aggregators: OCPP enables dynamic management of the EV charging station infrastructure as a Demand Response or Distributed Energy Resource for a containing grids or microgrids, giving DR service providers significant value gains. Both transactive and request mechanisms should be supported. Bringing together representatives of the entire stakeholder community - people with different backgrounds, different needs, different approaches, from different locations around the world - to collaborate on an open protocol is the most reliable way to produce solutions that are cost-effective, diverse, comprehensive, innovative, and scaled to meet the aggressive EV growth strategies. (1)(c) Scope The OCPP TC will produce specifications that define the functional standards needed for data interoperation between a Charge Point and central system providers and Integrators. The interoperation includes but is not limited to authorizations, identification, metering, management, resource and consumption availability and needs. The scope is limited to communication between Central System Providers/Integrators and Charge Points and related necessary information definition.   The starting point will be the contributed OCPP Version 1.6. Other contributions may be made on or after the first meeting of the TC. Such contributions shall be considered by the TC Members on an equal basis to improve the original starting point contribution. The specifications will address application layer information exchange requirements for alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) charge points as well as wired and wireless networked charging solutions. The work product will consist of one or more specifications for information exchange and patterns expressed using XML, a binding to JSON over web sockets, and one or more security profiles. The TC may choose to address other transports as it sees the need. However, the TC will not mandate a specific communication technology beyond requiring TCP/IP connectivity. The OCPP v2.0 specification shall align, interoperate with, and reuse components, as the TC deems appropriate, with and from relevant IEC, ISO, OASIS, and other standards. The TC may establish liaisons with relevant standards organizations and committees including IEC TC 57 (power systems), IEC TC 69 (electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks) and ISO TC 22/SC 31 (data communication) in order to pursue alignment, interoperation with, and adoption of OCPP V2.0 with other related work. Out of Scope A non-exhaustive list is provided below for the sake of clarity. If some function, mechanism or feature is not described as Out of Scope, and it is not listed as In Scope in the Scope of Work section, then it will also be considered as Out of Scope. - The TC will not produce reference implementations of the protocol - Transports not using TCP/IP connectivity - Communication details between a Charge Point and a vehicle - Other items – list is intended to focus scope Maintenance Mode Once the TC has completed work on a deliverable and it has become an OASIS Standard, the TC will enter "maintenance mode" for that deliverable. The purpose of maintenance mode is to provide minor revisions to previously adopted deliverables to clarify ambiguities, inconsistencies and obvious errors. The maintenance mode will not functionally enhance a previously adopted deliverable or extend its functionality. The TC will collect issues raised against the deliverables and periodically process those issues. Issues that result in the clarification or non-substantive correction of the deliverables shall be processed. The TC shall maintain a list of these adopted clarifications and may periodically create a new minor revision of the deliverables including these updates (1)(d) Deliverables Using OCPP Version 1.6 as one input, the TC plans to produce specifications for OCPP Version 2.0 within 12 months of its first meeting. Other contributions to the TC will also be considered for incorporation into the specification based on their merits. The TC will accept as additional input issues and recommended changes from the TC Members and others. Changes to the input document or other contributions will be accepted for consideration without any prejudice or restrictions and evaluated based on technical merit in so far as they conform to this charter. The work product will consist of one or more specifications for information exchange and patterns expressed using XML, a binding to JSON over web sockets. The TC may choose to address other transports as it sees the need. Follow-on versions of the specification may be developed to address additional in-scope capabilities identified by the TC on a schedule to be defined by the TC. Following approval as an OASIS Standard, the TC intends to forward OCPP V2.0 to the IEC.      The TC may produce such other non-standards track deliverables within the scope outlined above, such as tutorials or white papers to support the specification. (1)(e) IPR Mode The TC will operate under the Non-Assertion IPR mode. (1)(f) Audience All parties involved in the EV charging infrastructure are strongly encouraged to participate in the OCPP TC:  - EV and EV Charge Point owners - Central system providers or system integrators - E-mobility Service providers and Charge Point operators - Charge point vendors - Utilities: Electricity service providers and/or distribution network operators - Microgrid operators - DR service providers and/or aggregators - Research institutes and consultancy firms - Government agencies and regulatory agencies (1)(g) Language The OCPP TC will use United States (U.S.) English as the language for conducting its operations. Section 2: Additional Information (2)(a) Identification of Similar Work At this point in time, there is no ongoing or completed work within IEEE on a similar standard. At this point in time, there is no ongoing or completed work within the International Electro Technical Commission (IEC) on a similar standard.  At the appropriate time, the TC will consider forwarding OCPP V2.0 to the IEC for consideration as part of its framework. In support of this, the TC will consider establishing liaisons with relevant standards projects including IEC TC 57 (power systems), IEC TC 69 (electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks) and ISO TC 22/SC 31 (data communication).  The purpose of these liaisons is to support activities such as sharing and discussing with IEC drafts of the OASIS OCPP specification; alignment and interoperation between OCPP 2.0 and the relevant IEC and ISO standards (IEC CIM, IEC 61850 and ISO 15118); and integrating findings into the OASIS OCPP specification.   A working group within the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) plans to develop a standard for EV charging station to Central System communication that may overlap in scope OCPP. However, NEMA is a U.S. organization and appears to be focused on the U.S. Market. The OCPP project seeks to create a specification available and suitable for global use. (2)(b) First TC Meeting The first TC Meeting will be a Face-to-face meeting with date to be determined on public review of this charter. (2)(c) Ongoing Meeting Schedule Online meetings will he held every two weeks. Face-to-Face meetings will be held approximately every six months, alternating in Europe and North America. (2)(d) TC Proposers 1) Lonneke Driessen, Open Charge Alliance, Lonneke.Driessen@openchargealliance.org 2) Onoph Caron, Stichting Elaad, Onoph.Caron@elaad.nl 3) Rish Ghatikar, Greenlots, Rish@Greenlots.com 4) Brendan McMahon, ESB, Brendan.McMahon@esb.ie 5) Pierre Sacre, Schneider, Pierre.Sacre@Schneider-electric.com 6) Bram van de Leur, EV-Box, Bram@ev-box.com   (2)(e) Primary Representatives' Support    I, Lonneke Driessen, Lonneke.Driessen@Openchargealliance.org, as OCA 's Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. I, Onoph Caron, Onoph.Caron@elaad.nl , as Elaad's Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. I, Rish Ghatikar, Rish@Greenlots.com, as Greenlots' Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. I, Brendan McMahon, Brendan.McMahon@ESB.ie, as ESB's Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. I, Pierre Sacre, Pierre.Sacre@Schneider-electric.com, as Schneider's Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. I, Bram van de Leur, Bram@ev-box.com , as EV-Box's Primary Representative to OASIS, confirm our support for the OASIS Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) Technical Committee charter and the participation of our co-proposers named above. (2)(f) TC Convener  Lonneke Driessen, OCA, www.openchargealliance.org , Lonneke.Driessen@opencharegalliance.org     (2)(g) OASIS Member Section None at this time. (2)(h) Anticipated Contributions - OCPP 1.6 www.openchargealliance.org/downloads ; by OCA Technical Working Group - All OCPP RFCs to date; by OCA Technical Working Group - Tooling inputs used to generate schemas, JSON encodings and other artifacts for OCPP 1.6. - Security enhancements; by ELAAD/ENCS (2)(i) FAQ Document Pending. (2)(j) Work Product Titles and Acronyms The primary work product title is “OASIS OCPP – Open Charge Point Protocol” Acronym for the TC and its work product is “OCPP.” -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393