OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Re: [office] Grid enhancement

    Posted 02-16-2007 12:25
    Hi Michael,
    I think you didn't get the argument.
    It is that neither OOXML nor the CSS3 spec I sent you can do handle ODF grids. Such mixing them at a page layout level is a bad idea -- I guess.
    For this reason I want a document wide property which defined that grid mode.
    I'm happy to explain this in the next work call. Will you please put this on the agenda.
    >>> Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Grid enhancement

    Posted 02-16-2007 15:18
    Hi Florian,
    the grid proposal is one of the proposals that are under discussion, and 
    therefore will be on the agenda of the call on Monday.
    As promised, I have checked the current possibilities of the ODF 
    specification regarding document wide settings:
    1. The intended purpose of application settings was that these are 
    setting where we assume that they are not understood by other 
    applications, and there it therefore seems to be reasonable to add them 
    to the schema itself.
    2. For most style families (page layouts are actually styles of with the 
    family page-style), we have a so called default style, which specifies 
    default formatting property values for a certain style family. They are 
    used unless they are overwritten by a style itself. We don't have a 
    default style for page-layout at the moment.
    3. The topmost layout object for which one can currently specify 
    formatting properties is the page-layout. There is no layout object 
    above that to which we could attach the grid-layout-mode.
    So, if we want to be able to specify the grid-layout-mode globally for a 
    document, one additional option I see is
    - to specify the grid-layout-mode as formatting property for 
    page-layouts, and
    - to add a default-page-layout-style.
    This would allow us to specify the grid-layout-mode the same way as the 
    other grid properties (that is, as formatting property), but at the same 
    time would allow to specify the value of this formatting property at one 
    place for the whole document.
    In theory, the grid-layout-mode could be overwritten by a specific page 
    style, but I don't think that this is an issue in practice. If we don't 
    consider it to be reasonable to mix the two layout-modes in a document 
    (and I agree to that - my concern is only related to how the 
    grid-layout-mode is stored), then I don't think that someone will ever 
    make use of this option. In particular not, if no office application 
    provides a way to do so. Of cause, if want to make this explicit, we may 
    also specify that the grid-layout-mode can be used only within 
    I hope this helps.
    Florian Reuter wrote:
    > Hi Michael,
    > I think you didn't get the argument.
    > It is that neither OOXML nor the CSS3 spec I sent you can do handle ODF grids. Such mixing them at a page layout level is a bad idea -- I guess.
    > For this reason I want a document wide property which defined that grid mode.
    > I'm happy to explain this in the next work call. Will you please put this on the agenda.
    > ~Florian
    >>>> Michael Brauer - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg