OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Open Document Format TC meeting minutes 2014-03-03 (corrected)

  • 1.  Open Document Format TC meeting minutes 2014-03-03 (corrected)

    Posted 03-28-2014 14:56
    Open Document Format TC meeting minutes 2014-03-03 =========================================== Start: 9:33 EST +Andreas Guelzow +Chris Rae +Patrick Durusau +Peter Rakyta +Regina Henschel +Robert Weir (presiding) Svante Schubert +Michael Stahl Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name 7/8 voting members present = 87%, so quorum requirements were met - Membership Notes:  None. - Minutes of February 3rd approved by unanimous consent - Amend minutes of February 17th to change "so quorum requirements were not" to "so quorum requirements were not met" - Minutes of February 17th, as amended, approved by unanimous consent -Rob noted that US was moving to Daylight Savings Time next week.  Future TC calls will shift one hour UTC.  Watch future agenda to confirm local time. - Rob reported that the ODF 1.2 RERs were approved by electronic ballot.  Rob has sent PDFs on to Jamie who is preparing final submission package for JTC1 - Svante reported on last week's Change Tracking SC meeting: IRC log: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-collab/201402/msg00003.html Summary: 1) We discussed absolute style settings of creation operations, e.g. addParagraph versus the implicit settings, which would inherit styles from the previous paragraph. We agreed, that OT would become much more complex when we would not use absolute formatting. 2) We discussed if shared operations for text table and speadsheet makes sense. As ODF XML does share these operations should do it as well. - Review of public comments, one received this week asking about status of OFFICE-3664:   https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office-comment/201402/msg00000.html - Status has not changed -- We rely on TC members (or the public) to submit consumable specification drafts for new features - New comment from Regina on : https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-3854 - Svante noted that RDF 1.1 has been released, suggested the reference be updated in ODF 1.3.  Patrick offered to examine our other external normative references to see if there were other candidates for updating. 10:00 EST adjourned