OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Re: [ubl] Hong Kong hotel deadlines

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Hong Kong hotel deadlines

    Posted 04-19-2004 18:13
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Hong Kong hotel deadlines

    Hi Jon,
    The Novotel was the only one of these that mentioned on the Website the
    availability in high speed internet connections in the rooms, so I have
    booked there.
    Paul E. Thorpe                                 Toll Free    : 1-888-OSS-ASN1
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    Email: thorpe@oss.com                          Tech Support : 1-732-302-9669
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    On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:
    > Please note the following deadlines for booking/confirmation of
    > the hotels arranged by our hosts at HKU:
    >    Bishop Lei International House by 16 April 2004
    >       (deadline extended to April 21) 
    >    Island Pacific Hotel Hong Kong by 19 April 2004
    >    Novotel Century Harbourview    by 26 April 2004
    > So far, we have one person staying at the Island Pacific, two at
    > the Renaissance Harbour View, and one at the Bishop Lei.  Given
    > the strong recommendation from Mavis's travel agent for the Bishop
    > Lei, and the fact that they have extended their deadline a couple
    > more days at what appears to be a really excellent rate, I believe
    > I'll give them a try.
    > Note that you have to use the forms provided in earlier mail to
    > get the negotiated rate.
    > Jon
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