OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  runtime vs build time and navref

    Posted 01-24-2007 15:58
    Both the architecture spec and language reference use the terms 
    "runtime" and "build time" (also found one occurrence of "build-time" in 
    the language reference).
    However, these terms do not appear to be defined anywhere and it's not 
    entirely clear what they mean, at least not in all cases.
    This is important because the processing and behaviors of some elements 
    are defined in terms of "runtime" or "build time" behavior, for example 
    the navref element, which is "resolved a runtime". Since runtime and 
    build time could be different for different types of outputs, there is 
    significant potential ambiguity in what the implications are for a given 
    element in a given output or processing context.
    I think the intent is to distinguish the processing of DITA source into 
    some rendered form (build time) and the access or delivery of that 
    rendered form (and, of course, the direct access and delivery of 
    unmodified DITA content), but it's not always clear what that other 
    processing is and is it being applied to DITA files or to some rendition 
    of the DITA files.
    For example, if I transform DITA files into a package of Windows help, 
    is that run time or build time? I think the intent is that it is build 
    time, but then there is no (DITA-specifiable) runtime behavior because 
    the result of the build process is not DITA. That is, the DITA spec can 
    only directly define the processing applied to DITA data, not to data 
    generated from DITA content. What we can do is define the *intended* 
    behavior (not processing) of the rendered result, without specifying 
    when or how that behavior is achieved (which is what talking about 
    things like "runtime" and "build time" is doing).
    In the case of navref, which is where I started to notice this issue, 
    the text says:

  • 2.  Re: [dita] runtime vs build time and navref

    Posted 01-24-2007 16:24

    >However it's
    >clear that a lot of the spec reflects things that were done specifically
    >for Eclipse that and, at least today, only have meaning there and are
    >defined in terms of Eclipse behavior.

    "A lot of the spec" = the navref and anchor elements in DITA maps?

    I can agree that we should clear up the language to make the Eclipse references examples. That seems like a good 1.1 goal.

    For 1.2 we have proposals for an expansion of conref capability that may be able to fold navref and anchor into a more comprehensive architecture. That's probably an appropriate place to attempt crisper definitions of build time vs. runtime.

    Michael Priestley
    IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

    "W. Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@innodata-isogen.com>

    01/24/2007 10:57 AM

    [dita] runtime vs build time and navref

    Both the architecture spec and language reference use the terms
    "runtime" and "build time" (also found one occurrence of "build-time" in
    the language reference).

    However, these terms do not appear to be defined anywhere and it's not
    entirely clear what they mean, at least not in all cases.

    This is important because the processing and behaviors of some elements
    are defined in terms of "runtime" or "build time" behavior, for example
    the navref element, which is "resolved a runtime". Since runtime and
    build time could be different for different types of outputs, there is
    significant potential ambiguity in what the implications are for a given
    element in a given output or processing context.

    I think the intent is to distinguish the processing of DITA source into
    some rendered form (build time) and the access or delivery of that
    rendered form (and, of course, the direct access and delivery of
    unmodified DITA content), but it's not always clear what that other
    processing is and is it being applied to DITA files or to some rendition
    of the DITA files.

    For example, if I transform DITA files into a package of Windows help,
    is that run time or build time? I think the intent is that it is build
    time, but then there is no (DITA-specifiable) runtime behavior because
    the result of the build process is not DITA. That is, the DITA spec can
    only directly define the processing applied to DITA data, not to data
    generated from DITA content. What we can do is define the *intended*
    behavior (not processing) of the rendered result, without specifying
    when or how that behavior is achieved (which is what talking about
    things like "runtime" and "build time" is doing).

    In the case of navref, which is where I started to notice this issue,
    the text says:

    "The <navref> element references a map file from within a map file. The
    reference is resolved at runtime, typically to pull together the
    navigation for multiple components into a product navigation."

    What does "resolved at runtime mean" (and what does "product navigation"
    mean)? Does it mean that the rendered result, in whatever is doing the
    rendered (e.g., Eclipse help) presents what appears to be a single set
    of topic heads and topic references or does it mean that the rendered
    result presents a navigable link from one navigation context to another?

    Instead of saying "resolved at runtime", the spec should say what the
    presentation and interaction behavior expectation is and, if it can
    vary, under what conditions does it vary.

    For example, I assumed on first reading that when generating HTML or
    PDF, navref would have the effect of creating a "compound map" that is
    processed equivalently to the same map held in a single documentd. But
    clearly that is not the intent, at least of the Toolkit implementors,
    who have not implemented navref for HTML or PDF processing.

    On second reading, it's still not clear to me whether or not treating
    navref as a transform-time include is appropriate behavior for navref.
    That is, is navref closer in semantics to a conref to a map (in order to
    use all its contained topicheads and topicrefs) or is it closer in
    semantics to a topicref, which simply creates a link to the topic
    referenced? Upon reflection I think it's the latter, but it's not clear
    from the text that that's the case.

    While it would be ideal to clean up all the places where runtime and
    build time are used and replace them with more declarative definitions,
    I know that's not practical for 1.1. However, I think we do need clear
    and formal definitions of the terms "runtime" and "build time" and what
    they mean for different well-established rendition types (HTML, PDF,
    help, etc.).

    [As a side note: I have something of an issue with the mention of
    Eclipse-specific behavior as anything other than examples--however it's
    clear that a lot of the spec reflects things that were done specifically
    for Eclipse that and, at least today, only have meaning there and are
    defined in terms of Eclipse behavior. I don't think that's appropriate
    for a general standard. I don't expect it to be addressed in
    1.1--there's not time. But it needs to be addressed in 1.2. If I was
    Sun, for example, I'd be rather upset that my competitor's IDE had
    privledged status in this otherwise general standard.]


    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198
