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Subject: Fw: 1st CFP: 2nd IEEE Workshop on Dependability and Securityin Sensor Networks and Systems
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 1:41 PM
Subject: 1st CFP: 2nd IEEE Workshop on Dependability and Securityin Sensor
Networks and Systems
> (Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP)
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> First Call for Papers
> Second IEEE Workshop on Dependability and Security in
> Sensor Networks and Systems
> (DSSNS'2006)
> In conjunction with
> 2nd NASA/IEEE Systems and Software Week
> 30th NASA/IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (SEW'2006)
> April 24-28, 2006
> Recently, there has been a growing interest in the potential use
> of networked sensors in applications such as smart environments,
> disaster management, combat field reconnaissance, and security
> surveillance. While the initial view of the community was that
> networked sensors will play a complementary role that enhances
> the quality of these applications, recent research results have
> encouraged practitioners to envision an increased reliance on sensor
> networks and systems (SN&S) in such critical and sensitive applications.
> Therefore to realize their potential, necessary dependability and
> security (D&S) measures have to be incorporated in the design and
> during the operation of SN&S. Dependability is usually specified
> using attributes like reliability, survivability, safety,
> maintainability,
> and availability in presence of failure, while security is specified by
> attributes like integrity, authenticity, confidentiality, and
> availability
> in presence of attacks. D&S services accomplish tasks for attack and
> failure prevention, detection and response. The scope of D&S services
> may
> span the deployed sensors to command nodes and likely beyond. It also
> involves D&S support at, and cross-cutting, the protocol stack layers
> from physical to application.
> Achieving dependability and security in SN&S will require
> non-conventional
> mechanisms due to many factors including: (1) sensors are significantly
> constrained in the amount of available resources such as energy, storage
> and computation; (2) sensors are expected to be deployed in very large
> numbers in normal as well as harsh/hostile environments; (3) sensor
> networks suffer from structural weakness and limited physical
> protection, and (4) localization of impact is complicated due to the
> un-tethered nature of SN&S and of the potential attackers. In addition,
> D&S requirements may vary according to mission defined over a
> multi-dimensional context, such as field of deployment (e.g., hostile
> versus friendly), type of application (e.g., monitoring, tracking, data
> collection), mode of operation (e.g., normal, exception, post-event
> recovery), and time.
> This workshop will foster a forum for discussing and presenting recent
> research results on dependability and security in SN&S. Topics of
> interest include, although not limited to, the following:
> - Fault and intrusion-tolerant architectures, middleware and operational
> models
> - Robust routing, storage, and processing of sensed data
> - D&S architectures, protocols and tools
> - Vulnerabilities, attacks and countermeasures
> - Monitoring and evaluation techniques
> - Robust clustering techniques
> - Self-awareness and context-awareness
> - Resilient virtual infrastructures
> - Autonomic and adaptive D&S support.
> - Formal representation and verification of D&S properties
> - Network inference support for D&S
> - Quality of service provisioning
> - Models, metrics, and measurements for D&S
> - Privacy-aware D&S services
> - Testbeds, simulation and visualization
> - Agent-based D&S management
> - SN&S support for D&S in larger information grids
> - SN&S application development environments
> Submission Guidelines
> ---------------------
> For guidelines regarding paper submission, please refer to the
> workshop's website ( Papers should contain
> original material and not be previously published, or currently
> submitted for consideration elsewhere. The manuscript should not exceed
> 20 single-column double-space pages in PDF format, font size 11 or
> larger. The first page should include title, authors' contact
> information, abstract and five keywords.
> Important Dates
> ----------------
> Submission deadline: November 7, 2004
> Decision notification: December 20, 2004
> Final manuscript due: January 20, 2005
> The best paper will be recognized and selected papers will be invited to
> a Special Issue of the Journal of Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks.
> Workshop Co-Chairs
> -------------------
> Mohamed Eltoweissy
> Virginia Tech, USA
> E-mail:
> Mohamed Younis
> University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
> E-mail:
> Publicity Co-Chairs
> --------------------
> Denis Gracanin
> Virginia Tech, USA
> E-mail:
> Moustafa Youssef
> University of Maryland at College Park, USA
> E-mail:
> Program Committee
> ------------------
> Farooq Anjum, Telcordia & U of Penn, USA
> David Carman, Johns Hopkins Univ.- Applied Physics Lab, USA
> Ing-Ray Chen, Virginia Tech, USA
> M. Nazih Elderini, Alexandria Univ, Egypt
> Sushil Jajodia, George Mason Univ., USA
> Shivakant Mishra, Univ, of Colorado, USA
> Peng Ning, North Carolina State U, USA
> Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion Univ., USA
> David Simplot-Ryl, Univ. Lille, INRIA Futurs, France
> John A. Stankovic, University of Virginia, USA
> Ivan Stojmenovic, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada
> Cliff Wang, Army Research Office, USA
> Stephen D. Wolthusen, Fraunhofer-IGD, Germany
> Albert Zomaya, Univ. of Sydney, Australia
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